BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

2023 BIEN Congress: Call for papers

2023 BIEN Congress: Call for papers

Article by Minseo Cho The 22nd BIEN Congress will be held in Seoul and Jeonnam, Korea in an online and offline hybrid form, from August 23 to 26, 2023. We invite academics, researchers, policy makers, advocates and activists interested in UBI. The theme of the...

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2023 BIG Conference Call for Proposals

2023 BIG Conference Call for Proposals

The 21st annual BIG Conference will be held in Chicago, June 8-9, 2023. The theme for the 2023 BIG Conference is Building Momentum Across the Movement, with a focus on the following areas: Building Intersectional Coalitions, Shifting Culture and Narratives, and...

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Update on the Catalonia UBI pilot

Update on the Catalonia UBI pilot

(Photo of Sergi Raventos, the Head of the Office of the Pilot Plan to Implement the Universal Basic Income in Catalonia by Rubén Moreno, Generalitat de Catalunya) The Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot plan is one of the projects that the Catalan Government will carry...

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New basic income trial under preparation in Senegal

New basic income trial under preparation in Senegal

In Senegal, a trial for delivering a universal unconditional income is currently being studied by the NGO Enda Graf Sahel, chaired by Mr. Emmanuel Seyni Ndione. This project would be conducted in the town of Ethiolo in the South-East of Senegal. The mayor, Mr. Lama...

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FRIBIS Winter School with Phillipe van Parijs

FRIBIS Winter School with Phillipe van Parijs

The Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) is inviting you to the first FRIBIS winter school, entitled “Today’s global challenges and the UBI debate”, and under the guidance of Philippe van Parijs, from January 16th to 20th 2023. Over the five days, the...

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UBI and the Cost of Living Crisis

UBI and the Cost of Living Crisis

UBI Lab Food is organizing an online event about ‘Universal Basic Income and the Cost of Living Crisis’ on Monday, 21 November 2022, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM UK time. The panel will consist of Ian Byrne MP, Lucy Antal (Feedback Global), Mary O’Hara (Author), Penny Walters...

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BIEN Congresses

The 24th BIEN CONGRESS in Maricá & Niterói – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 27-29 August 2025

Call for Papers

Linkedin, Instagram, X  – biencongress25 (at) gmail [dot] com

BIEN2024 was August 29–31 (Pictures and more coming soon)

Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

Pitch a Story

To pitch a story, please click here.

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