BIEN | News
News on the global Basic Income debate
Launch of UBI Piloters Network
The UBI Piloters Network is proud to announce its launch in collaboration with the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), the University of Bath, and the University of Freiburg's Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS). The network unites researchers, policymakers,...
22nd BIEN Congress (August 23rd – 26th) in South Korea is coming soon!
The 22nd annual BIEN Congress, taking place in South Korea this year from August 23rd to 26th, is coming soon. Conducted synchronously offline and online, the event will be held at Ewha Womans University ECC, Seoul, South Korea. You can check the finalized version of...
How the UK Monarchy Cashes In On Our Seabed
Guy Standing, BIEN Co-Founder, has a new article published in Prospect, August/September 2023 issue. "The royal family has made millions from the exploitation of the seabed—a resource that belongs to us all. Is it time for people and planet to be put ahead of profit?"...
Podcast with Guy Standing on the moral imperative of UBI
The podcast was part of a series, The Morality of Everyday Things "After having previously said over and over that we'll "do UBI properly at some point", the time has come, and what better way to approach this question than including the man who quite literally wrote...
Signs of a possible movement towards Universal Basic Income in Nigeria?
by Chris Nwafor, BIEN Africa Hub Manager The current move by the Federal Government in Nigeria to pay 12 million poor households N8,000 naira (aprox. $12) per household monthly has caught media attention. Many consider it far removed from economic realities, as the...
Denver Basic Income Project presents Midterm Qualitative Research Report July 19
The Denver Basic Income Project’s Midterm Qualitative Research Report has been completed by its research team with the Center for Housing and Homelessness Research and the preliminary findings show that providing unconditional cash payments to the unhoused community...
Workshop – Basic Income Social Policies in Practice: Learnings from Maricá and Niterói in Dialogue with the Global North
Since the early 2000s, the emergence and continuous growth of cash transfer programs define the main stage in the discussion surrounding the future of social protection. While established first in Latin America, programs focussing on direct cash transfers have spread...
UBI4ALL Goes Worldwide!
UBI4ALL is delighted to announce that it is now open to the world! 🎉 They are excited to extend their registration to individuals from all 201 countries worldwide. To read more, click here.
BIEN Chair Sarath Davala podcast for UBI4ALL
In the second episode of UBI4ALL's #checkoutbasicincome podcast, Sarath Davala, Chair of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), is interviewed. In this episode Sarath tells about his life experience: how he became a UBI activist, when before he was skeptic about the...
New documentary shines light on impact of “guaranteed income” programs in the U.S.
"Just a few years ago, the idea of giving people money with no strings attached was seen as ludicrous in mainstream policy circles. This week, a documentary on so-called "guaranteed income" programs premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival that underscores just how much...