Ryan Cooper, “A Simple Way to Ease Our Economic Woes: Give Every American $2,000.”

SUMMARY: Although this article doesn’t mention basic income by name, it argues that direct payments are a powerful tool to combat income inequality and crippling unemployment.

Ryan Cooper, “A Simple Way to Ease Our Economic Woes: Give Every American $2,000.Washington Monthly, March 6, 2014. This article original appeared in the Washington Monthly and was reposted by Alternet.

Shutterstock via AlterNet

Shutterstock via AlterNet

Laura Tyson, “Intelligent Machines and Displaced Workers.”

Laura Tyson

Laura Tyson

SUMMARY: Laura Tyson, a former chair of the US President’s Council of Economic Advisers, considers responses to technological unemployment, writing, “In the longer term, more radical policies – such as the introduction of a negative income tax or a basic income – must be considered, with the goal of providing a guaranteed minimum standard of living regardless of employment status and market wage.”

Laura Tyson, “Intelligent Machines and Displaced Workers.Project Syndicate. March 7, 2014.

Carlos Góes, “Why Bolsa Familia Works.”

SUMMARY: Brazil’s Conditional Cash Transfer program, the Bolsa Familia, was intentionally created as a step toward a basic income. In this article, Carlos Góes discusses the libertarian roots of Conditional Cash Transfer programs and why they work. Carlos Góes, originally from Brazil, is an economic analyst who lives in Washington, DC, where he works in the multilateral sector.

Carlos Góes, “Why Bolsa Familia Works.” No Se Mancha, March 19, 2014.

From No Se Mancha

From No Se Mancha

Sarah Jaffe, “The End of Jobs?”

Sarah Jaffe

Sarah Jaffe

SUMMARY: This opinion piece considers basic income as a solution to a more precarious labor market. Sarah Jaffe is a staff writer at In These Times and the co-host of Dissent magazine’s Belabored podcast. Her writings on labor, social movements, gender, media, and student debt have been published in The Atlantic, The Nation, The American Prospect, AlterNet, and many other publications, and she is a regular commentator for radio and television.

Sarah Jaffe, “The End of Jobs?In These Times, Mar 21, 2014