David Ogul, “Delivering Charity Directly to the Hands of the Needy.”

SUMMARY: GiveDirectly is a private charity that gives donations to people in impoverished African regions in essentially a BIG model: in cash with no strings attached.

David Ogul, “Delivering Charity Directly to the Hands of the Needy.Los Angeles Times, April 1, 2014.

GiveDirectly, co-founded by assistant economics professor Paul Niehaus, sends donations via cellphone to people in Kenya and Uganda to use however they wish.

GiveDirectly, co-founded by assistant economics professor Paul Niehaus, sends donations via cellphone to people in Kenya and Uganda to use however they wish.

Matthew Timms, "Will unconditional basic income solve Europe's problems?"

Will unconditional basic income solve Europe's problems?

Will unconditional basic income solve Europe's problems?

[Craig Axford]

SUMMARY: This article contends that technological and economic changes have prevented Europe from solving its unemployment crisis.  The continent has a glut of highly skilled and educated workers, but few places to put them.  According to the author, an unconditional basic income would enable Europe to utilize its largely untapped human potential in ways it currently cannot, and with growing attention being paid to inequality, it may be getting to close to giving it a try.

Matthew Timms, “Will unconditional basic income solve Europe’s problems?”, World Finance, March 18, 2014

Ryan Calhoun, "The Universal Basic Income: Another Tool for Disciplining the Poor"

The UBI: Another Tool for Disciplining the Poor (Flickr)

[Craig Axford]

SUMMARY: This article states that a universal income would diminish rather than expand individual autonomy.  The author argues for “focusing on the liberation of mutual aid” and returning to the development of lodges, fraternities and other civic organizations to escape careerism.

Ryan Calhoun, “The Universal Basic Income: Another Tool for Disciplining the Poor”, Epoch Times, March 23, 2014