Mike Munger, “Libertarian Mungerfesto: Part V–Hayekian Socialism.”

SUMMARY: According to this article what some people have called “Hayekian Socialism” is not socialism at all, since there is no state ownership of the means of production.  Instead, Nobel Prize-winning economist, F.A. Hayek argued that society should provide a guaranteed minimum income for its citizens.

Mike Munger, “Libertarian Mungerfesto: Part V–Hayekian Socialism. Bleeding Heart Libertarians. March 16, 2014.

Toru Yamamori, "Missing Women: The Forgotten Struggles of Single Mothers for Basic Income"

Toru Yamamori

[Craig Axford]

SUMMARY: In this paper Professor Toru Yamamori of Doshisha University explores the struggles and contributions of single mothers in the United Kingdom’s basic income movement.  This paper was first presented at the Seoul Basic Income International Conference 2010.

Toru Yamamori, “Missing Women: The Forgotten Struggles of Single Mothers for Basic Income”Academia.edu, January 27-28 2010