John Harris, “A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens – review”

‘By way of addressing security beyond the workplace, [Standing’s] most compelling suggestion is a basic citizen’s income, payable to all, which would increase the bargaining power of people at the low end, and by cutting across the orthodox benefit systems’ serial poverty traps, actually increase the incentive to work. This idea has been circulating for at least 40 years, and may take just as long to arrive in mainstream debate. But if it seems outlandish by contemporary standards, that actually only heightens its appeal: the same, after all, was once said of the most basic aspects of the welfare state; and even the weekend.’

John Harris, A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens – review”, The Guardian, 9th April 2014.

John Harris

John Harris

VIDEO: “Unconditional basic income: Green Party’s Natalie Bennett debates its merits with David Orrell.”

PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: “All around Europe, people are fighting for unconditional basic income: a system which many believe will instill equilibrium where there is financial inequality. World Finance invites Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett and writer and mathematician David Orrell to discuss whether unconditional basic income will live up to the revolutionaries’ expectations.”

VIDEO: “Unconditional basic income: Green Party’s Natalie Bennett debates its merits with David Orrell.World Finance, May 19th, 2014

David Jenkins, “Happiness is Coca Cola apparently.”

SUMMARY: This article discusses the Coca-Cola company’s mistreatment of its international workforce and concludes, “These are not the guardians of anyone’s welfare but their own. Basic income is that by which corporate largesse becomes unnecessary, and we are made our brother’s and sister’s keepers—whether we like it or not.”

David Jenkins, “Happiness is Coca Cola apparently.Basic Income UK, May 16, 2014

Happiness is Coca Cola apparently -Basic Income UK

Happiness is Coca Cola apparently -Basic Income UK

Peggy Curran, “Idea of flat income to be hot topic at McGill on Friday.”

SUMMARY: According to this article, “On Friday, more than 100 academics, economists and activists for social change from around the world will gather at McGill University’s Law Faculty for the 15th International Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network. Over three days of talks and workshops, they will weigh the pros and cons of replacing existing programs with a flat income that would not be contingent on a means test or a work requirement.” The article discusses the conference in context of recent developments on basic income in Canada.

Peggy Curran, “Idea of flat income to be hot topic at McGill on Friday.” The Gazette [Montreal, Quebec, Canada], June 26, 2014.

    On Friday, more than 100 academics, economists and activists for social change from around the world will gather at McGill University’s Law Faculty for the 15th International BIEN Congress. -Photograph by: Aaron Lynett , Postmedia News, via the Gazette

On Friday, more than 100 academics, economists and activists for social change from around the world will gather at McGill University’s Law Faculty for the 15th International BIEN Congress. -Photograph by: Aaron Lynett , Postmedia News, via the Gazette