Federico Pistono, “Get ready, robots are going to steal your job.”

SUMMARY: This article argues that robots are replace a significant amount of human labor and concludes that government need to introduce new policies in response. “These can include tax reforms to provide a safety net for those who become unemployed, smaller government, programs to stimulate start-up innovation, sharing and open source and providing citizens with an unconditional basic income (a federal stipend guarantee).”

Federico Pistono, founder and CEO of the online learning start-up Esplori, is a computer scientist, activist and social entrepreneur. He is also the author of the book Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That’s OK: How to Survive the Economic Collapse and Be Happy.

Federico Pistono, “Get ready, robots are going to steal your job.CNBC, 9 Jun 2014.



John Aziz, “Could a robot do my job? Probably, but I'm still optimistic.”

John Aziz -TheWeek.com

John Aziz -TheWeek.com

SUMMARY: This article discusses technological unemployment and concludes optimistically, “If the economy is disemboweled by a lack of consumer spending, corporations fat off the self-perpetuating riches of automation and plentiful, cheap energy will likely be all too happy to support generous redistributive programs to support the spending of the hordes of out-of-work people, like a universal basic income.”

John Aziz, “Could a robot do my job? Probably, but I’m still optimistic.TheWeek, May 20, 2014.

Is it only a matter of time? (Thinkstock via TheWeek)

Is it only a matter of time? (Thinkstock via TheWeek)

Simon Duffy “A Fair Income.”

PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: In the final joint policy paper in our series with the University of Birmingham, Simon Duffy outlines the case for radical reform of the tax-benefit system. The current system is confusing and unfair, it locks the poor into poverty and imposes upon them the highest rates of tax. Instead we need to move to an integrated tax-benefit system, one that provides a guaranteed and reasonable level of income for all individuals and families. The paper proposes the creation of a system of Fair Income Security, a system that would have the following seven features:

  1. Integration of the current tax and benefits into one coherent system
  2. A consistent approach for benefits and taxation, more supportive of families, in all their forms
  3. The simplification of tax-benefit calculations into one set of questions
  4. A minimum income for all, delivered through a universal, non-means-tested, benefit
  5. Fair rates of taxation that remove the extreme disincentives for the poorest
  6. A constitutional right to a minimum guaranteed income and to fair taxes
  7. A public committee to shape the core entitlements, open to submission and scrutiny

Such a system would be fair, rational, economically sustainable, and would reflect the changing nature of modern society.

Simon Duffy “A Fair Income.The Centre for Welfare Reform (UK), 2011.