Simon Thorpe, “Fixing the system with a basic citizen's income”
Simon Thorpe, “Fixing the system with a basic citizen’s income”, Simon Thorpe’s Ideas on the Economy, 19th January 2014.
Simon Thorpe, “Fixing the system with a basic citizen’s income”, Simon Thorpe’s Ideas on the Economy, 19th January 2014.
Mattie Carter, “Advocating the idea of a Universal Basic Income.” The Norwich Radical, June 6, 2014.
Gaura Rader, “11 Arguments for a Universal Basic Income”, The Socratic Diablogs, 19th June 2014.
Adam C. Brett, “The Super Depression is coming, and only Basic Income can prevent it.” Fix it or burn: the road to utopia, May 29, 2014
PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: ‘Philippe Van Parijs argues for a basic income for all legal residents of the European Union to be financed by Value Added Tax. Unlike the US, the EU lacks automatic inter-state transfers and migration between states is much less common. A universal basic income would serve as a buffering mechanism and enable a stronger recovery from economic downturns. It would also help the Union overcome the pressures of competitiveness, while the EU may also be seen as more legitimate and less of a heartless bureaucracy in the eyes of its residents.’
Philippe Van Parijs, “The Eurodividend: Why the EU should introduce a basic income for all”, LSE EUROPP Blog, 24th July 2013
SUMMARY: This article is a communist criticism of basic income, concluding, “Basic income will be designed and implemented by the other class — your enemy — to meet its interests, not yours.”
Jehu “Basic Income: Which class will be writing the legislation?” The Real Movement: Communism is free time and nothing else, May 19, 2014