by Jenna van Draanen | Dec 21, 2014 | Research
SUMMARY: This article summarizes recent action in Iceland on basic income, where the Pirate Party requested that the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing establish a working group for basic income.

Stanislas Jourdan, “Le parti pirate islandais demande au gouvernement de plancher sur le revenu de base [The Icelandic Pirate Party asks the government to consider basic income]” Revenu de base . October 16, 2014
by Josh Martin | Dec 20, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
Utilizing the momentum against payday loan lenders generated by HBO’s John Oliver, Santens takes the opportunity to highlight the basic income’s impact on indebtedness. Using results from the basic income pilot projects in India and Namibia, Santens shows how effective the unconditional transfer is at combating indebtedness. There are a lot of quick payday loans you can apply for if you are looking for some extra money or quick cash during a financial emergency. If you’re looking to apply for a loan or just see what rates you could be looking at, start looking into payday loans and see how they could bide you over until payday.
However, for those with a low income this can be a slippery slope that leads to what seems to be inescapable debt. Someone who has a steady income can easily pay back a payday loan within a month or 2 of them getting it. They simply use the extra money to pay for whatever it was needed for and then have no issue paying it back within the necessary time.
However, it isn’t this easy for those with the lower or unstable incomes. If they take out a payday loan then they may not have the money they need to pay the loan company back which leads to late-payment fees or higher rates; pushing them even further into debt. Luckily, they can look for a payday loan consolidation service for them to help get them out of the poisonous cycle.
Scott Santens, “Payday Loan Lenders Are Unstoppable. . . Or Are They?”, Medium, 16 August 2014.
by Josh Martin | Dec 20, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
This post contains a proposed structure for a cryptocurrency based basic income.
Koeppelmann, “Basic Income (CIRCLES) – reputation/market based approach to solve the identity problem/Sybil attacs”, Ethereum, 21 November 2014.
by Jenna van Draanen | Dec 20, 2014 | Research
SUMMARY: This short article describes a poll done in France indicating that 73% of the population would favor a single allowance, or a streamlined benefit in lieu of the various existing benefit programs. The article notes that while this may indicate support for the simplicity of basic income, the idea of a basic income is not necessarily to merge all social benefits into a single allowance.

by Jenna van Draanen | Dec 19, 2014 | Research

Mouvement Français pour un Revenu de Base, avec BIEN-Suisse et le Réseau Belge pour un Revenu de base, “Premier numéro: ‘Revenu de base garanti, parcours de vie choisi [First Appearance: “guaranteed basic income, life course chosen], L’inconditionnel, November 28, 2014
by Jenna van Draanen | Dec 19, 2014 | Research
Tomaz Chabinka, “Basic Income: A New Form of Realistic Utopia”, November 25, 2014.