by Josh Martin | Dec 25, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
Santens writes this piece on his personal blog on how one can help personally push the basic income movement forward. He outlines it in five steps: Become Knowledgeable, Interact with Others, Create Content, Organize Locally, and Organize Nationally (and then Globally).
Scott Santens, “5 Steps to Becoming a BIG Contributor”, Scott Santens Blog, 4 December 2014.
by Josh Martin | Dec 24, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
This post seeks to equate the Negative Income Tax (NIT) and the Basic Income (BI). Bowman’s main point is that both policies effectively withdraw the benefits as earned income rises, but it is withdrawn at the front end in the NIT and at the back end in the BI through a modified tax system.
Sam Bowman, “The Negative Income Tax and Basic Income are pretty much the same thing”, Adam Smith Institute, 23 May 2014.
by Josh Martin | Dec 23, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
Ward writes this piece on his sister’s blog on the issues facing artists in the 21st century. Ward argues that capitalism makes life especially difficult for artists since their work is priced and sold just like every other good and service. Through this artistic lens, then, Ward advocates a basic income as a remedy for capitalism’s strain on artists.
Matthew Ward, “State of the Arts—a guest post about Basic Income”, Blog Cabin by Vic, 4 December 2014.
Victoria Ward's brother guest writes this post on the basic income (Source: Blog Cabin by Vic)
by Josh Martin | Dec 22, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
In this post, the author graphs different approaches to the tax code in the UK, including a negative income tax, an unconditional basic income, and a conditional basic income.
“Using the tax system to deliver a living wage”, The Uxbridge Graduate, 4 October 2014.
by Josh Martin | Dec 21, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
Edgett’s article provides an introduction to the unconditional basic income. By eliciting arguments on robots and automation, Edgett believes the basic income can solve many of the problems society will face in the next 100 years. Edgett then discusses the economic repercussions and subsequent “renaissance of human creativity” from the implementation of a basic income.
Elizabeth Edgett, “Unconditional Basic Income – an Economic Model for a New Renaissance”, Wake Up World, 24 November 2014.
(Source: Wake Up World)
by Jenna van Draanen | Dec 21, 2014 | Research A Peer-to-Peer #BasicIncome Network., August 29, 2014