Stanislas Jourdan, “Sondage : 73% des Français seraient favorables à une allocation unique [Poll: 73% of the French favor a single allowance]”

SUMMARY: This short article describes a poll done in France indicating that 73% of the population would favor a single allowance, or a streamlined benefit in lieu of the various existing benefit programs. The article notes that while this may indicate support for the simplicity of basic income, the idea of a basic income is not necessarily to merge all social benefits into a single allowance.

Mouvement Français pour un Revenu de Base, avec BIEN-Suisse et le Réseau Belge pour un Revenu de base, “Premier numéro: ‘Revenu de base garanti, parcours de vie choisi [First Appearance: "guaranteed basic income, life course chosen]

Mouvement Français pour un Revenu de Base, avec BIEN-Suisse et le Réseau Belge pour un Revenu de base, Premier numéro: ‘Revenu de base garanti, parcours de vie choisi [First Appearance: “guaranteed basic income, life course chosen], L’inconditionnel, November 28, 2014

Nick Barlow, “Liberal Democrats for Basic Income, anyone?”

[Josh Martin]

Barlow discusses the reasons why the Liberal Democrats in the UK should include the Citizen’s Income, also known as the basic income, in its party manifesto.  In fact, the Liberal Democrats had it in their manifesto from 1992 to 1994, and Barlow hopes to encourage other Liberal Democrats to support it once again.

Nick Barlow, “Liberal Democrats for Basic Income, anyone?”, What You Can Get Away With, 2 December 2014.

(Source: What You Can Get Away With)

(Source: What You Can Get Away With)

Stanislas Jourdan, “Le precariat: [The precariat: A class in the making]”

SUMMARY: This article discusses the concept of a precariat, the “social class in the making” which the author describes as arising from increasing unemployment and underemployment. The concept signifies a unification of two previously identified groups: the precariously employed and the proletariat. The author argues for basic income as a way to solve the issues this emerging precariat is facing.

Stanislas Jourdan, “Le precariat: <<Une classe sociale en devenir>> [The precariat: A class in the making]” Le Souffle C’est Ma Vie” October 1, 2010.