EUROPE: Website counting signatures for the European Citizens’ Initiative for UBI

European Citizens’ Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income has a webpage with daily updates on the number of signatures collected for the initiative. As of December 11, 2013, more than 166,285 people have signed the petition in favor of a basic income for the European Union. The proposals requires 1,000,000 signatures of EU citizens to spark a response by the EU. The page also includes a map keeping track of signatures by country.

The map is online at:

Arthur de Grave and Benjamin Tincq, “Can debt catalyse the next global rebellion? An interview with David Graeber”

David Graeber, anthropologist, author of Debt: the First 5,000 Years, and major figure of the Occupy Movement, endorses BIG in this interview.

Arthur de Grave and Benjamin Tincq, “Can debt catalyse the next global rebellion? An interview with David Graeber,” OUIShare: Connectiong the Collaborative Economy, 9 October 2013.

OUIShare: Connectiong the Collaborative Economy

OUIShare: Connectiong the Collaborative Economy

GENEVA, Switzerland: Piloting Basic Income in India: A Transformative Policy?

In what may be a unique social experiment, three pilot basic income schemes were conducted in India between 2010 and 2013, in which over 6,000 men, women and children received universal, equal and completely unconditional monthly cash payments. At this talk, Guy Standing reports on the main outcomes, looking at the effects on sanitation, nutrition, health, schooling, economic activity, women’s status, specific vulnerable groups, and social attitudes more broadly.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

The results are based on data generated by a multi-round evaluation and a modified randomized control trial methodology, in which those receiving the basic incomes were compared with others not receiving them. A second parameter for comparison was the presence or absence of a collective body, or “Voice organization”, representing the interests of the vulnerable in the villages studied.

Speaker: Guy Standing, a British economist, is Professor of Development at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He is former Director of the Socio-Economic Security Programme of the International Labour Organisation.

Discussant: Sarah Cook, Director, UNRISD

Moderator: Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert, Officer-in-charge, UNOG Library

Location: UNOG Library Events Room (B-135)

Palais des Nations, Door 20, Geneva, Switzerland

More information: