Canada: Basic Income discussed on TV Ontario

BIEN Canada reports that a discussion of Guaranteed Annual (Basic) Income in the Canadian context was held on TV Ontario on November 15th, 2012. It featured Senator Hugh Segal, a long time proponent of Guaranteed Income, as well as Andrew Coyne (columnist with Post Media), Glen Hodgson (chief economist with the Conference Board of Canada), and Armine Yalnizyan (senior economist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives).
The full discussion, as a well as a short clip of Senator Segal making the case for guaranteed income, can be found at:
Politics Around Poverty (49 minutes)
What Do You Think of “Guaranteed Annual Income”? (2 minutes)

Video series from the “European Liberal Forum: Universal Basic Income” in Ljubljana, Slovenia

The “European Liberal Forum: Universal Basic Income: For a new social contract in Europe,” which took place at 11/12 October 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was announced at BINews and now there is a video series available at YouTube, including  talks by Guy Standing, Philippe Van Parijs, and many others. Many of the talks are in English:

More information about the event:

Malmo (Sweden), 31 October 2012: A basic income will do away with unemployment

This event is presented as a two-hour meeting with brief lectures, movie clips, and open discussion about basic income as an alternative to today’s “activation industry”, and its “discrimination of the sick and the unemployed”. The event was organized by the Malmö branches of SALO (Sveriges anställningslösas landsorganisation), and the basic income group (Basinkomstgruppen) of Malmo. For more information (in Swedish) about this and future BI events in Sweden, see:
Website of BI network in Sweden:
Website of SALO:

News from Basic Income Studies

The next issue of Basic Income Studies (BIS) will be available soon. This academic, peer-reviewed journal has been in a period of transition. The new publisher is De Gruyter, which acquired the journals of bepress (including BIS) earlier this year. The editing of BIS is being passed from Karl Widerquist and Jurgen De Wispelaeare, who did an excellent job is this role since the inception of BIS in 2006.  The new editors are Louise Haagh (University of York, UK) and James Mulvale (University of Regina, Canada).

The past issues of BIS continue to be accessible at no cost at (by pressing on the “read content” button).

If you are involved in scholarly work on Basic Income, and would like to reach a broad audience of academics from many disciplines as well as policy experts and advocates, please consider submitting your manuscript to BIS.