by USBIG | May 21, 2016 | Research
This article, originally published in 2006, has been re-released on the author because of the renewed importance of automation in the basic income debate
Abstract: This article draws lessons about the automation revolution by looking back at predictions John Maynard Keynes made back in 1928 about what technological innovation could do for humanity. Keynes rightly predicted the enormous economic growth the economy would experience for the rest of the twentieth century but wrongly predicted that it would greatly reduce the work week. This article examines how he got it so right and so wrong, and uses that examination to draw lessons about dealing with the automation revolution today. Automation is nothing new. Its potential—both to improve life and to disrupt people’s lives—as been accumulating for hundreds of years. Far too often we have allowed technological innovation to disrupt the labor market without allowing most people to take full advantage of the benefits it makes possible.
by USBIG | May 14, 2016 | News
Karl Widerquist making live posts on Reddit from the 15th North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress throughout the conference, May 12-15h, 2016.
by USBIG | Jan 14, 2016 | News

On Point
The National Public Radio show, “On Point,” hosted by Tom Ashbrook will devote an entire hour to discussing basic income tomorrow, Thursday, January 14, 2016. The event will take place live on air from 10 to 11am Eastern Time (United States) 9am Central Time. The event will be available for streaming audio by Thursday evening at the “On Point” website (direct link).
Guests include:
- Karl Widerquist, Associate Professor at SFS-Qatar, Georgetown Unviersity, co-chair of the Basic Income Earth Network, and author of “Independence Propertylessness and Basic Income: A theory of freedom as the power to say no”
- Megan McArdle, Bloomberg View, author of “Four Reasons a Guaranteed Income Won’t work.”
Event: “On Point” Radio Show discusses basic Income
Place: Live on National Public Radio
Time: 10-11am Eastern Time United States (check local listings)
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016
Direct link:

Tom Ashbook, photo by J. Costa
by USBIG | Sep 6, 2015 | News
This article discusses how Basic Income is an increasingly popular policy among information technology professions who are creating technology and is replacing many conventional jobs. The article connects what is happening now to the history of the Basic Income movement over the last 100 years. The article includes extensive quotes from BIEN, co-chair, Karl Widerquist, and an audio of Robert Theobald talking about the benefits of a guaranteed income more than 50 years ago.
Jack Smith IV, “Basic Income, the Most Radical Innovation in Minimum Wage, Has Silicon Valley to Thank.” Tech.Mic section of, September 04, 2015

Jack Smith IV
by USBIG | Jul 15, 2015 | News

Rugby Tavern
Karl Smith Widerquist, Co-chair of BIEN and co-founder of USBIG, will be the special guest at Basic Income UK‘s income meet-up next Tuesday 21 July 2015, 7pm. Widerquist has written several books and dozens of articles on basic income. The event will open with a 15-minute introduction by Widerquist followed by an open discussion. It will be held at the Rugby Tavern on Great James Street, near Holborn station in London.
Event: Basic Income Meetup with Karl Widerquist
Time & Date: 7pm, Tuesday 21 July 2015
Location: Rugby Tavern, Gt James Street, London WC1N 3ES
More information:

Karl Widerquist