TORONTO, Canada: The Precariat Charter: In Conversation with Professor Guy Standing, 10th April, 2015.

TORONTO, Canada: The Precariat Charter: In Conversation with Professor Guy Standing, 10th April, 2015.

Professor Guy Standing, the author of Precariat Charter, and Doug Saunders Globe and Mail international affairs columnist will discuss BIG, the precariat, and a new form of progressive politics.

Time and date: 6pm 10th April 2015

Venue: 170 Bloor Street West, Suite 710

Toronto ON M5S 1T9



Phone 416 531-1483

Fax 416 944-8915

Please see for the detail:

Pete Higgins, “Why Universal Basic Income is a Better Alternative to the Welfare State.”

[Toru Yamamori]

Pete Higgins is an independent candidate for Stoke on Trent South, a UK parliament constituency where currently represented a Labour MP. He initiated an online petition for a basic income as well. In his post, he displays reasons for BIG such as a failure of the current welfare state, etc, which can be found elsewhere in BI literature. What is unique in his proposal is that he argues that only maximum two children in the same family could get ‘Child UBI.’ According to him this restriction should be made in order to “encourage people to make responsible financial decisions during family planning and help control unsustainable population growth.”

Pete Higgins, “Why Universal Basic Income is a Better Alternative to the Welfare State.” Pete Higgins – independent candidate for Stoke on Trent South, November 5th, 2014.


Pete Higgins



Angela Cummine, “A citizen’s income and wealth fund for the UK: Lessons from Alaska”



Angela Cummine charts the growth and impact of Alaska’s Permanent Fund and dividend – a unique combination of publicly owned wealth fund and basic citizen’s income – as these ideas continue to intrude on British political debates about equality, poverty, wealth and investment.

IPPR explains itself as ‘the UK’s leading progressive thinktank’.

Angela Cummine, “A Citizen’s income and wealth fund for the UK: Lessons from Alaska”, Institute for Public Policy Research, 4 February 2015.

TOKYO, Japan: Thinking About Basic Income, 10th March, 2015.

Tomoyuki Taira, former MP who has been vocal for anti-nuclear power plants, has recently started to advocate a basic income. He will organize an event where he will give a lecture on the concept on 10th March at Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. The language used would be Japanese.

Time and Date: 19.30-21.30, 10th March, 2015

Venue: Studio BEIDO Shimokitazawa F studio,

Basement, Iwaki Building, 5-8-14,

Daizawa, Setagayaku, Tokyo.

For the detail of the event see:



(in Japanese)