Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig, “Pro-Life, Anti-Poverty”

Pro-Life, Anti-Poverty

Pro-Life, Anti-Poverty

The author examines various solutions for the financial hardships of raising children and proposes a “child allowance”, which would be a “no-strings-attached $300 per month per child income”. A no-strings-attached income for children is, essentially, a basic income for children.

Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig, “Pro-Life, Anti-Poverty”, The American Conservative, 8 July 2014

Juan Cole, “Almost Human: How Robots, Race and Neoliberalism killed Detroit and what it Means for You”


Detroit Skyline

With Detroit being allowed to go into bankruptcy, the author analyzes the significance of this event and its economic implications. He proposes all citizens receiving a basic stipend from nationalized automated production.

Juan Cole, “Almost Human: How Robots, Race and Neoliberalism killed Detroit and what it Means for You”, informed COMMENT, 2013 December 4