Albano Laziale, Italy, 19th July 2012: Debate on Labour Policies and Guranteed Minimum Income

A  debate titled “Economics for the People or Economics for things? Labour Policies and Guaranteed Minimum Income” will be held on Thursday 19th of July 2012 in Albano Laziale within the Festival called ‘Festa Cambia Musica’. The debate starts at 6.30 pm, and it is introduced and presided by M. Zammataro, who is SEL (Left Ecology Freedom) coordinator in Lazio region. The debate will be attended by M. Smeriglio (who is in charge of labour policies in SEL at national level), S. Gobetti (BIN Italia Coordinator), and a union representative from FIOM CGIL Lazio (Engineering Industrial Union).

The debate, which will be held at Villa Doria, is organised by the political party SEL – Sinistra Ecologia  Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom).

Foligno, Italy, 14th July 2012: Training Workshop on the Italian Welfare State

On  Saturday 14th of July 2012 at 5.30 pm a training workshop titled “Our Welfare: guaranteed income in Italy and Europe” will be held in Foligno (Italy) within the summer festival of the political party SEL – Sinistra Ecologia  Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom). The event will be hosted by Elisabetta Piccolotti (member of the National Committee of SEL and member of the local government of Foligno) and Ivano Bruschi (Councillor of the town council of Foligno). The event will be also attended by Titti Di Salvo (member of the National Committee of SEL, and spokeswoman for the Forum Environment, Economics, Labour), and Sandro Gobetti (BIN Italia – Basic Income Network Italia). During the event there will be the screening of the video ‘Reinventing the Welfare State: a European perspective’.

Rome (IT), 11 July 2012: Meeting on labour reform

On Wednesday 11th of July a meeting on “Labour Counter Reform, Precarity, and Other Ways of Existence” will be held within L’Altra Festa at Città dell’Altra Economia in Rome. L’Altra Festa is a two weeks social and political happening organised by the Left Federation. The meeting will start at 6 pm, and will be attended by several organisations and activists involved in issues such as labour, precarity, and basic income. In particular, participants will include: Giuseppe Allegri e Roberto Ciccarelli (authors of “La Furia dei cervelli” – “The Fury of the Brains”), Fabio De Mattia (NIDIL-CGIL Roma e Lazio – one of the main unions in Italy dealing with precarity), Silvia Lombardo (author of “La Ballata dei Precari” – “The Ballade of Precarious Workers”), Arianna Ussi (Coord. Precari Scuola – a grassroot organisation of precarious school teachers), Roberta Turi (FIOM-CGIL ROMA – Engineering Industrial Union), Riccardo Faranda (labour law solicitor), Luca Santini (BIN Italia), Giovani Non Più, Precariamente, and Quinto Stato.

ROME, ITALY, June 2, 2012 “Against precarity, basic income!”

“Against precarity, basic income!” is the title of the debate that was held in Rome on June 2 in the “Festival 2012: Rome European metropolitan city” organized by  SEL (Left, Ecology and Freedom) at the Terme of Caracalla. The program of the debate that began at 2 saw the partecipation of: Canio Calitri (Fiom of Rome and Lazio), Sandro Gobetti (Bin Italy), Maria Pia Pizzolante (Tilt), Mark Furfaro (national member of  SEL), Beppe Allegri (Quinto Stato), Paul Picariello (Regional Youth Forum SEL), Papi Bronzini (magistrate and author of the book “Basic Income in Italy and Europe), Massimiliano Smeriglio, (Minister of Labour, Province of Rome).

BIN Italia now on tweet

BIN Italia has opened a profile tweet to power communication with all those who wish to be informed and discuss with the BIN on the theme of guaranteed income. The language of the tweets will be Italian. To follow the profile of Bin Italy tweet just go on the official site of Italy BIN: