Second UBI sense-making session on Hunome

Second UBI sense-making session on Hunome

UBI Lab Finland started building understanding on the many perspectives and possibilities of UBI (Universal Basic Income) on the Hunome ‘social 4.0’ platform (see more about Hunome and why we’ve started using it below). UBI Lab Finland is part of the worldwide UBI Lab Network, comprising of over 40 individual local and thematic UBI Labs around the world.

In a previous session on October 24 people with different backgrounds added new perspectives into the UBI Spark map. Results were fascinating and people just loved how easy and rewarding it is to bring their thinking and experiences around UBI in one place in Hunome.

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Basic Income for the Arts in Ireland – What Have We Learned after 14 months?

Basic Income for the Arts in Ireland – What Have We Learned after 14 months?

“UBI Lab Arts, UBI Lab Leeds and UBI Lab Network, in association with Basic Income Ireland present:

Please join us for the third in our special series of discussions dedicated to reflecting on what we can learn from the Irish Basic Income for the Arts Pilot Scheme, as it unfolds.

When? Wednesday 6th December 2023 6:30pm – 8pm GMT

Where? Please register with the Action Network for the online event here.”

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2024 BIEN Congress: Call for Contributions

2024 BIEN Congress: Call for Contributions

The Basic Income Earth Network Congress 2024 is being hosted at the University of Bath, UK from the 29th-31st of August 2024. The theme for the Congress is Reclaiming the Future: Basic Income and Socioecological Transformation. The event aims to hold political and academic discussions on the role a basic income and allied ideas and movements can play in a just and sustainable transformation.  

We are now accepting contributions, in the forms of panels, roundtables, sessions, workshops, performances and activities, to help co-shape the agenda for the Congress. This is not a call for papers, which will follow early next year. We aim to attract participation and partnerships from a wide range of actors, movements and organizations to make this a truly rich and transformative festival of ideas. This includes those not traditionally within the basic income fold, and even those critical of the idea. The full Call for Contributions can be found here. The deadline for submissions is 15th of January 2024

Please share this far and wide in your networks, basic income and otherwise. Please all feel free to reach out to us to further clarify or discuss any ideas you may have at

Now worldwide: UBI4ALL Basic Income Initiative, Awarding €9,600

Now worldwide: UBI4ALL Basic Income Initiative, Awarding €9,600

Image credit: the UBI4All logo is copyrighted by UBI4ALL and that permission for use has been granted.

Dortmund, October 31, 2023] – UBI4ALL, a pioneering organization committed to

advancing the concept of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) worldwide, is thrilled to

announce the 5th raffle of its Basic Income Initiative.

On December 17, 2023, UBI4ALL will award a life-changing €9,600 per year (€800

per month) to a fortunate recipient, transcending borders to empower individuals with

financial stability. Read more

Call for Papers – Workshop on Guaranteed Income Experiments

Call for Papers – Workshop on Guaranteed Income Experiments

Image credit: Canva

“This workshop is presented by the History and Philosophy Department of the University of New Orleans in collaboration with the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, at the University of Minho, and the Justice Studies Program at the University of New Orleans. It will be held at the University of New Orleans, February 22-23, 2024 at the Dougie Hitt Conference Room, at the Library, room 407, 2000 Lakeshore Dr, New Orleans, LA 70148. 

The workshop is organized by Sara Bizarro (University of New Orleans) and Roberto Merrill (UBIECO project at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society/University of Minho).” Read more: