by Michael Millar | Mar 12, 2014 | News
[Michael Millar]
SUMMARY: Co-founder of the Basic Income Initiative in Switzerland Enno Schmidt talks about Basic Income in Germany.
Language: German
Tom Steininger, “Grundeinkommen – ein Kulturimpuls [Basic Income – a Cultural Impulse]”, Radio EnlightenNext, February 27 2014
by Michael Millar | Mar 5, 2014 | News
[Michael Millar]
Analysis and comparison of Basic Income alongside a reduced full-time working week, with Prof. Beate Zimpelmann (Bremen University) and Prof. Sascha Liebermann (Alami’s College of Arts and Social Sciences).
Language: German
For more information, go to:
by Michael Millar | Mar 4, 2014 | News
[Michael Millar]
A lecture by Adrienne Goehler in collaboration with the Women’s Network.
Language: German
For more information, go to:
by Michael Millar | Feb 21, 2014 | Research

The top three for the European elections (from left): Julia Reda, Fotios Amanatides und Anke Domscheit-Berg
[Michael Millar]
SUMMARY: The German Pirate Party held its first national convention of the year, choosing their top three candidates to enter the European Parliament. They need 3% of the vote in May’s elections to have representation there. The party achieved 2.2% of the vote in the German general elections in September. One of their key policies is for a Europe-wide unconditional basic income.
Language: German
Kay-Alexander Scholz, “Piraten wollen ins Europa-Parlament [Pirates want into the European Parliament]”, Deutsche Welle, January 5 2014
by Michael Millar | Feb 20, 2014 | Research
[Michael Millar]
SUMMARY: A case for unconditional basic income is argued and backed up by statistics. First, the German constitution and Federal courts rule that a subsistence level must be assured for all citizens at all times. There are also millions of people who are entitled to benefits but choose not to apply out of shame or ignorance, so the number of unemployed is much higher than official government figures. Very few vacant jobs exist, and it will only worsen as technology is making jobs and skills redundant through automation and computerization.
Language: German
James Morris, “Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: 1.000 Euro im Monat für Jeden! [Unconditional Basic Income: 1000 Euros per month for everyone!]“, Neopresse, February 6, 2014