LONDON, UK: Basic income & Democratizing money & Social Security on 30 October 2014

[Josh Martin]

On Thursday October 30th at 7pm in London there will be an event hosted by the New Putney Debates with Barb Jacobsen, Coordinator of the European Citizens’ Initiative in the UK, Duncan McCann, who works on the EU funded Community Curency in Action project, and Ben Baumberg, who is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Kent.

The event will be held at the University of London, Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, UK.

For more information on the event, click here.

VIDEO: Rutger Bregman, “TED Talk: Why we should give everyone a basic income”

[Josh Martin]

Rutger Bregman’s TED Talk in Maastricht does a phenomenal job at introducing the basic income, contextualizing its place in history, highlighting the diversity of academics who supported it, and addressing major questions facing the introduction of a basic income.

Rutger Bregman, “Why we should give everyone a basic income”, TEDxMaastricht Talks, 22 October 2014.

UNITED STATES: Five Time Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader Supports a Basic Income

[Josh Martin]

In this recent episode of the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, 44 minutes into the show Nader answers a question from a listener on whether or not he supports a basic income.  Nader replies by stating that he does and has supported a basic income for a long time.  He then explains the bipartisan nature of the policy by pointing out its support from President Nixon, Milton Friedman, and Friedrich Hayek as well as the Green Party in the USA.  When pressed to give more details on the size of a basic income for all Americans, Nader replied by saying that it could be as little as $3,000 or as much as $10,000 per year for each citizen.  He then responds to claims that a basic income would create disincentives to work.

Ralph Nader is a five-time candidate for President of the United States, having run in 1992 as a write-in candidate, as the Green Party nominee in 1996 and 2000, and as an independent in 2004 and 2008.

To listen to the episode, follow this link.

Ralph Nader, “Ebola, Civic Heroes, Basic Income”, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, 20 October 2014.

Ralph Nader has reaffirmed his support for a basic income. (Source: Ralph Nader Radio Hour)

Ralph Nader has reaffirmed his support for a basic income. (Source: Ralph Nader Radio Hour)

Marshall Brain, “Why and How Should We Build a Basic Income for Every Citizen?”

[Josh Martin]

Brain wrote this post partially due to his participation in an “Ask Me Anything” thread on Reddit for Basic Income Week, and in it he conducts a thought experiment on what sort of society we wish to live in.  He then takes this thought experiment and applies it to the current situation in the USA, including a debate on what level the minimum wage should be.  However, with jobs systematically being replaced by robot automation, Brain urges the reader to consider a basic income as a way to combat systemic unemployment and to reach aspects of an ideal society today.

Marshall Brain, “Why and How Should We Build a Basic Income for Every Citizen?”,, 15 September 2014.

Republished by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.

