by Josh Martin | Apr 1, 2015 | News
Dean’s article raises issues with society’s current emphasis on finding work and stigmatizing those out of work. He highlights reasons for optimism, however, through the social media successes of the past year, including the movement for a basic income.
Brian Dean, “Antiwork – a radical shift in how we view ‘jobs’”, Contributoria, December 2014.
by Josh Martin | Mar 31, 2015 | News
Deirdre Kent is the co-founder and co-leader of the New Economics Party in New Zealand, and she writes on the three main economic issues her party seeks to address: “the monetary reform movement, (including reforming the national currency and having a whole range of complementary currencies), the tax reform movement to move towards land and other resource taxes and away from income tax and sales tax, and thirdly the movement for a basic income, giving an unconditional, basic income to all people where paid work may not be available for all people.”
Deirdre Kent, “Combining resource (including land) taxes, monetary reform and basic income is the political challenge of our time”, New Economics Party, 10 February 2015.
by Josh Martin | Mar 28, 2015 | News
This post discusses the citizen’s income (also known as the basic income) as a possible policy for the Labour party in the UK to support. By looking at the Green party’s manifesto, the pilot project results in Namibia, and the Alaskan Permanent Fund dividends, the author argues that it fits Labour’s ideology and should be supported.
The author wrote a follow-up article here.
Phil BC, “Why Labour Should Adopt the Citizen’s Income”, All That Is Solid, 25 January 2015.
by Josh Martin | Mar 27, 2015 | News
Bennhold continues the discussion on the future of jobs by highlighting issues with automation and possible solutions to these problems. One such solution often considered is a basic income.
Katrin Bennhold, “After Jobs Dry Up, What Then?”, New York Times, 10 March 2015.
by Josh Martin | Mar 26, 2015 | News
Schmidt’s post raises awareness for Michael Bohmeyer’s project to fund a few full basic incomes of 1,000 euros per month. They currently have 7 recipients and are working now on an eighth, so Schmidt encourages the reader to apply to be the next recipient.
Michael Schmidt, “How to get 12 x 1000€ to live in Germany-No Hooks”, About,