by Jenna van Draanen | Apr 11, 2015 | News

Photo by Konstantin Tronin / Shutterstock
Peter Barnes, “Alaska Bolstered Its Economy and Curbed Inequality—By Paying Everyone Thousands in Oil Dividends Every Year” Yes! Magazine. February 3, 2015
by Jenna van Draanen | Apr 10, 2015 | Opinion

Scott Santens, ““What to do about drug users who get basic incomes?” March 27, 2015.
by Jenna van Draanen | Apr 9, 2015 | News

“America, We should talk about a basic income”
Sam Becker, “America, We should talk about a basic income” Business Cheat Sheet, March 19, 2015.
by Jenna van Draanen | Apr 9, 2015 | News

The French Movement for Basic Income group is proposing a new pilot project that will reform the existing welfare program (RSA) to become unconditional and remove the job search requirement currently associated with it, among other changes. This proposal calls on the new Departmental Council elected in March to implement the pilot program, and in doing so, move closer to a basic income in France.
Jean-Eric Hyafil, “Expérimenter le RSA inconditionnel dans les départements” [Trying out the unconditional RSA in the Department] Mouvement Francais pour us Revenu de Base, March 19, 2015.
by Jenna van Draanen | Apr 8, 2015 | Opinion

SUMMARY: This author interviews Neil Jacobstein who talks about the importance of basic income in the context of rapidly advancing mechanization and artificial intelligence. Jacobstein is the co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics track. Jacobstein sees basic income as a definite part of the near future, where we will pay people to go back to school, take care of the environment, and to take care of young and old people who need help.
Tim Borney, “Interview: Neil Jacobstein discusses the future of jobs, universal basic income and the ethical dangers of AI” Singularity Hub. March 23, 2015.