Matt Zwolinski, “The Cato Debate on the Basic Income – Roundup”
Matt Zwolinski, “The Cato Debate on the Basic Income – Roundup”. Bleeding Heart Libertarian, September 2, 2014
Matt Zwolinski, “The Cato Debate on the Basic Income – Roundup”. Bleeding Heart Libertarian, September 2, 2014
The Local, “Should we all get €12,000 a year?” The Local, July 25, 2014.
This piece outlines current issues with the welfare system and the income redistribution system, more specifically, in France. The authors then propose basic income as a simple solution that has been longstanding in France and continues to be debated among thought leaders in political and economic fields. The article points out the current efforts of the French group “Mouvement Français pour un Revenu de Base.”
Language: French
Jordan Galienne “Quand simplifier le systeme de redistribution deviant un imperative” [When simplifying the redistribution system becomes imperative]. Economie, Sept 2, 2014.
Matt Zwolinski, “BIG and BIGger – On the Feasibility of a Basic Income” Cato Unbound: The Basic Income and the Welfare State. September 2, 2014
Siraj Ravel, “A Cryptocurrency for a Global Basic Income” Svbtl. July 14, 2014.