Carl Gibson, “The Case for a Basic Guaranteed Income for All”
Carl Gibson, “The Case for a Basic Guaranteed Income for All”, Huffington Post, 13th May 2014.

Carl Gibson
Carl Gibson, “The Case for a Basic Guaranteed Income for All”, Huffington Post, 13th May 2014.
Carl Gibson
PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: Rising inequality is one of the most salient issues in global and European politics. Guy Standing writes that what we have witnessed in recent decades is not simply an increase in inequality, but also the emergence of a new globalised class structure. A key component of this structure is what he terms ‘The Precariat’: a new class comprising those who lack economic security and stable occupational identities, which has systematically been deprived of some of the fundamental rights afforded to citizens. He argues that a new ‘Precariat Charter’ is required to combat these insecurities, including provision for a basic income as a right of citizenship.
Guy Standing, “How To Combat Inequalities Produced By Global Capitalism”, Social Europe Journal, 12th May 2014.
Professor Guy Standing
Paulo Rodriguez, ““Who?” and “How?” – What the public thinks of a Basic Income”, Basic Income UK: Towards an emancipatory welfare, 14th May 2014
“Who?” and “How?” – What the public thinks of a Basic Income
This article argues, “In the context of the robot economy, the case for a universal basic income becomes still more compelling.”
Thomas Rodham Wells, “The Crisis of Capitalism: Income in a Post-Employment Age”, 3 Quarks Daily, 12th May 2014
ScreenHunter_616 May. 12 11.37
Enno Schmidt, “How a ‘stupid painter from Switzerland’ is revolutionizing work”, PBS Newshour, 9th April 2014.
The leader of the Swiss movement for a guaranteed basic income explains why even if the Swiss people vote against the referendum, the basic income can still claim a victory. Above, Generation Basic Income activists pose with the 8 million coins they dumped in front of the Swiss parliament last fall. Photo by Flickr user Kopf oder Zahl.