BIEN Congress comes to Australia in September 2022!
The annual Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress comes to Australia in 2022. Brisbane will host the three-day conference between September 26 and September 28 in a hybrid face-to-face and online format. Registration is now open https://www.bien2022.com/registration.
BIEN2022’s headline theme of Crisis & Transformation invites Congress participants to interrogate the role the basic income in addressing the major ecological, health and economic crises besetting our world today. This task could not be more urgent.
Australia is among the many countries to have experienced catastrophic wildfires and floods in recent years. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic ripped through society, while economic inequality and insecurity continued to grow. An estimated 1 billion animals were killed in Australia’s 2019 bushfires, while some East Coast homes have been inundated three times in 12 months in recent floods. Natural disasters and the pandemic forced national and state governments to introduce radical policy interventions, including in the area of income support. These interventions proved temporary. But could they hold important lessons for basic income researchers and advocates?
BIEN2022 comprises over 200 papers, panels and roundtables presented by leading thinkers, researchers, policymakers and activists from around the world. Highlights include: a video message from Andrew Yang, Kathi Weeks on Work Futures & Post-Productivism, Guy Standing on The Blue Commons, Philippe van Parijs on Climate on Covid, Putin: Dawn or dusk for UBI?, and contributions from leading activists and artists in the basic income movement, including Scott Santens and Jessie Golem. Experts from the World Bank, International Labour Organisation, CEPAL and ODI will examine the potential of Emergency Basic Income in light of the of the pandemic experience. Other speakers include, Annie Miller, Almaz Zelleke, Yanu Prasetyo, Sarath Davala, Ugo Gentilini, Hyosang Ahn, Hilde Latour, Karl Widerquist, Toru Yamamori, Louise Haagh, Neil Howard and many more. BIEN2022 includes sessions on basic income and health, analysis of experiments in South Korea, Brazil, North America and Europe and film screenings.
For those traveling to Brisbane, location and accommodation information is available at https://www.bien2022.com/location.
To register for BIEN2022, please visit https://www.bien2022.com/registration.
For Congress updates follow us at https://twitter.com/bien2022.