Stephanie Nolen, "What would Robin Hood do: How cash handouts are remaking lives in Brazil"

The mean streets of Complexo da Mare, a favela in north Rio, where the Bolsa Familia provides social aid to poor families. (Lianne Milton for The Globe and Mail)

The mean streets of Complexo da Mare, a favela in north Rio, where the Bolsa Familia provides social aid to poor families. (Lianne Milton for The Globe and Mail)

[Craig Axford]

This story takes a look at the remarkable changes that have taken place within Brazil since the implementation of the Bolsa Familia grant program ten years ago.  According to the article, “Between 2003 and 2009, incomes of the poorest Brazilians grew seven times those of rich citizens.” In addition, school attendance is up and infant mortality has declined significantly.

Stephanie Nolen, “What would Robin Hood do: How cash handouts are remaking lives in Brazil”, Globe and Mail, December 28, 2013

Stephan Faris, "The Swiss Join the Fight Against Inequality"

[Craig Axford]

SUMMARY: The Swiss have a long history of referendums that lead to change not only at home, but abroad as well.  Recently they passed a referendum giving shareholders greater say over executive compensation, and though a proposal to cap executive salaries to 12 times that of the lowest paid worker recently failed, it is an idea that has made its way into at least one European party’s platform.  According to this article, with a vote set for later this year on a basic income guarantee, the Swiss may be having an impact again.

Stephan Faris, “The Swiss Join the Fight Against Inequality”, Bloomberg Businessweek, January 16, 2014

Activists celebrate in Bern

Photograph by Denis Balibouse/Reuters

Joshua McCabe, four essays on the Basic Income Guarantee

[Craig Axford]

The following series of posts regarding a basic income guarantee were written by Joshua McCabe, a PhD candidate in the department of sociology at the University at Albany and an Adam Smith Fellow at the Mercatus Center.  All posts were written for the Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog.

Joshua McCabe, “The Positive Political Economy of the Basic Income Guarantee”, Bleeding Heart Libertarians, January 3, 2014.
Joshua McCabe, “The Political Failure of Basic Income Guarantee in the United States”, Bleeding Heart Libertarians, January 6, 2014.
Joshua McCabe, “Future Prospects for a Basic Income Guarantee in the United States”, Bleeding Heart Libertarians, January 7, 2014
Joshua McCabe, “Basic Income Roundup”, Bleeding Heart Libertarians, January 8, 2014

Ed Dolan, "The Economic Case for a Universal Basic Income"

Edwin G. Dolan is an economist and educator with a Ph.D. from Yale University.

[Craig Axford]

In this blog post economist Ed Dolan evaluates the effectiveness of a universal basic income using four common criteria: effectiveness at lifting everyone above the poverty line; the degree to which the program targets those who need it most; availability of work incentives; and, administrative efficiency.

Ed Dolan, “The Economic Case for a Universal Basic Income”, EconoMonitor, January 3, 2014.