by Andre Coelho | Apr 25, 2015 | News

Daniel Raventós on 8TV
In this interview, Daniel Raventós defines basic income and describes the most recent study for its implementation in Spain, done with other experts on the subject.
Language: Catalan
8 al dia amb Josep Cuní, “With a basic income poverty disappears, by definition [Amb una renda bàsica desapareix, per definició, la pobresa]“, 8 TV, March 9 2015
by Andre Coelho | Apr 24, 2015 | News

Credit to: Vox (Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT))
US GOP senators Mark Rubio and Mike Lee have proposed what could be the beginning of a basic income in the US. The proposal has a work requirement and is insufficient to secure live essentials, but according to Dylan, it is a promising step forward. This and other basic income ideas have been floating around Congress, including those with no work requirement.
Dylan Matthews, “The most exciting proposal of the GOP presidential campaign so far“, Vox, April 2 2015
by Andre Coelho | Apr 23, 2015 | News

Credit to: #Decentralized Applications
BitNation is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), offering governance services of several kinds, such as law related bureaucracies, insurance and social services (education). It is based on a programming element called Blockchain, requires no human involvement and obeys to a set of incorruptible interaction rules. Every code line is open-source and even the rules are publicly auditable. Bitnation 2.0 aims at decentralizing, abolishing national borders and offering every governance act, which each person can voluntarily purchase, while keeping everything transparent and auditable.

Credit to: BitNation
BitNation 2.0 is now being upgraded with a new functionality: Johan Nygren, the tool’s creator and basic income activist since 2012, has approached Bitnation coordinators and got them to approve hosting the decentralized application on their Blockchain environment. Although crowd funding the necessary developments for on Indiegogo has not proven successful, BitNation has embraced its principles, which if functional should be able to provide a basic income for all network users. is a part of the Resilience protocol, which is a 21st century web-based standard for dividend allocation within a co-operative.
This new tool intends to distribute income from a network of interdependent users, who buy from and sell to each other. This network can ultimately encompass the entire human population. Every transaction’s profit gets distributed automatically among users who accept to support community services as providing a minimum guaranteed income. It is entirely voluntary, being on principle different from current tax collection, which is based on coercion. Users are encouraged to stay connected to the network by being disconnected each time they purchase from someone outside it. This temporary disconnection takes as long as necessary to match the purchase dividends flowing through a user’s node (account).
BitNation team, by supporting the application, aim at solving a problem which is normally seen as a national governmental responsibility: re-distributing income. It’s strategy, though, runs through a voluntary, free market manner, particularly useful, according to Bitnation coordinators, in improving the lives of people neglected or mistreated by their governments.
More information at:
#Decentralized Applications,, 2015
Indiegogo, – a peer-to-peer safety net Network
Coins Source, “BitNation – Decentralized, Borderless Government to Provide Universal Basic Income“, Coins Source – Your Digital Currency Source, January 16 2015
BitNation Governance 2.0
by Andre Coelho | Apr 23, 2015 | News

Credit to: Radiant Balance
British Labour Party has of late been supporting the idea of empowering workers on zero hour contracts to establish contracted hours and give them more secure income flow. In this article, Mark Crawford argues that this apparent leftward policy is really a guised right wing one, where later on these workers will be persecuted in order to take up full hour contracts (or have their benefits cut off). Mark concludes that zero hour contracts, in the presence of a basic income, can actually be aligned with what people really desire, which is more freedom to choose what to do with their time and what, where and how to perform work.
Mark Crawford, “I want a zero hours contract with a basic income“, The Independence Live Blog, April 1 2015
by Andre Coelho | Apr 22, 2015 | News

Credit to: Citizen’s Basic Income (blog)
According to Clive Lord, a founder of the Green Party in the UK, the Green Party has not understood Basic Income. He argues that something as shameful as zero hour contracts would simply not occur with Basic Income, since employers could only propose deals citizens would accept, the latter now protected by a financial safety net.
Clive Lord, “Green Party, Basic Income & zero hour contracts“, Blog Citizen’s Basic Income, April 1 2015