Geoff Crocker has published an article in the Real-world economic review: ‘Inequality and the case for UBI funded by sovereign money‘
The current economic system is generating increasing inter-personal inequality in income and wealth. This is well documented by several observers, including others in this collection of essays, such as James Galbraith, and not least Thomas Piketty in his two books and on-line database … . I therefore don’t intend to rehearse the data analysis of inequality in this brief paper, but to take it as a working assumption. My aim rather is to locate causes of inequality, and to consider whether universal basic income (UBI) can claim to alleviate inequality … . The main focus for evidence is the UK, but the issues generalise. …
Still ignoring the foundational inequity?
Wealth borrows money into existence from Central Bank, buys sovereign debt for a profit, and has State force humanity to make the payments on that money for Wealth with our taxes.
The largest stream of income on the planet, the interest paid on money creation loans, is direct labor theft from humanity, by Wealth.
Way less than thousands of pages, yet describes the majority of the inequity. The rest, disclosed by Wealth, are only supported inequities.
Why still oppose including each human being on the planet equally in a globally standard process of money creation?