As previously reported in Basic Income News, universal basic income was the theme of the 2016 Social Policy Conference of the independent think tank Social Justice Ireland (SJI). The conference explored current work on basic income in both the Irish and international contexts.
Local speakers included five members of SJI (Michelle Murphy, Eamon Murphy, Seán Ward, Seán Healy, and Brigid Reynolds), Roisin Mulligan (Basic Income Ireland), Michael Traft (Unite), Ursula Barry (University College Dublin), and Ronan Lyons (Trinity College Dublin). Additionally, Anthony Painter (the RSA, UK), Malcolm Torry (Citizen’s Income Trust, UK), Ville-Veikko Pulkka (Kela, Finland), and Sjir Hoeijmakers (independent adviser, The Netherlands) each spoke about proposals for basic income by their respective organizations and in their respective countries. SJI reports that the conference was attended by 125 delegates.
A compilation of the conference presentations is now available as a PDF book (Basic Income – Radical Utopia or Practical Solution?), downloadable for free from SJI’s website.
In addition to the traditional text-based format, the conference papers are available as cartoons.
Papers and cartoons for each of the individual presentations can be accessed here.

Excerpt of cartoon version of Seán Healy and Brigid Reynolds talk
Several participants have also published summaries and reflections on the conference:
“Basic Income as the key to resolving welfare and work challenges,” Social Justice Ireland, November 30, 2016.
Michael Staines, “Money for nothing – conference hears universal payment could solve social issues,”, November 22, 2016.
“Do you think welfare should be replaced by a basic income for all?” Irish Examiner, November 22, 2016.
Photo: “Ireland #3” CC BY-ND 2.0 Pierre Lognoul