The 16th “BIEN-nial” Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network was held at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea from July 7-9, 2016. (For details, see the congress website and the then-live Reddit reports.)
Videos of many sessions of the congress are now available on YouTube, including the following:
Plenary Session I: Visible Basic Income (Chair: No-Wan Kwack, University of Seoul).
- Philippe Van Parijs (Université de Louvain): “Why Is Basic Income More Relevant Today Than Ever Before?”
- Jan Otto Andersson (Åbo Akademi University): “Does Basic Income Fit the Nordic Welfare States?”

Plenary Session II: Basic Income, Socialism and Emancipation (Chair: Seung Kyung Yoo, Institute for Political and Economic Alternatives).
- Zhiyuan Cui (Tsinghua University): “Basic Income as a Component of Liberal Socialism”
- Sarath Davala (India Network for Basic Income): “The Emancipatory Power of Basic Income: An Optimistic Note from Indian Experience”

Plenary Session III: Basic Income and Human Emancipation (Chair: Dongtaek Kim, Sogang University).
- Nam Hoon Kang (Hanshin University): “Artificial Intelligence and the Right to Universal Basic Income”
- David Casassas (Universitat de Barcelona): “Basic Income and Social Emancipation: A New Road to Socialism”

Plenary Session IV: Basic Income and Social Protection (Chair: Pablo Yanes Rizo, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe).
- Almaz Zelleke (NYU Shanghai): “Everyone a Capitalist: Basic Income and Redistribution”
- John Roberto Scott Andretta (Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social): “Basic Income and Social Protection in Mexico”

Plenary Session V: Basic Income and Grassroots Feminist Movement (Chair: Barb Jacobson, UBI Europe).
- Toru Yamamori (University of Doshisha): “What Can We Learn from a Grassroots Feminist UBI Movement?: Revisiting Keynes’s Prophecy”

Plenary Session VI: Basic Income and Politics of Democracy (Chair: Hyosang Ahn, Basic Income Korean Network).
- Katja Kipping (German MP): “Das Grundeinkommen – Eine Demokratiepauschale” (“Basic Income: A Generalization of Democracy”)

Affiliates Roundtable. At the time of the congress, BIEN had 29 international affiliates; presenters from 18 affiliates participated in the roundtable.

Reviewed by Genevieve Shanahan
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