Image source: https://www.fractieklein.nl/klein/over-norbert/
On February 15, 2016, Norbert Klein of the Vrijzinnige Partij (Liberal Party) issued a press release detailing the initiative that he proposed to the Lower House of Parliament on January 26, 2015 in order to put basic income on the national agenda in the Netherlands.
Klein notes that, “more and more local, regional initiatives are being developed for certain forms of a basic income, but that only involves a no-rule benefit. It is time for the national politics to seriously start looking at the unconditional basic income for everyone.”
In response to Klein’s submission, the Lower House of Parliament decided on February 2, 2016 to address his proposal and asked the government to respond to the note.
In his press release, Norbert Klein also writes that, “the economic crisis, the many sequential cutbacks and the increasing automation and robotisation have been of major influence to the employment market. We must respond to this. The basic income offers a possible solution. The huge advantage of a basic income is that people will get more opportunities to develop themselves in the direction they prefer, a very important principle for liberal politics.”
BI NEWS has posted other stories on the local activities in Holland related to basic income. See here and here for more details.
Mirjam Hamelink, Press Release: A Basic Income for Everyone. Policy officer, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, klein@tweedekamer.nl
Norbert Klein, Member House of Representatives Dutch Parliament, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal www.vrijzinnigepartij.nl