Daniel Raventós, Jordi Arcarons and Lluís Torrens make the case for basic income, which they justify as more rational, more efficient and socially desirable than guaranteed jobs (from Izquerda Unida) and the plan of income guarantee (from Podemos). This is put forward in a recently published article on the Sin Permisso magazine.
Jordi Arcarons, Daniel Raventós, Lluís Torrens, “El “trabajo garantizado” de Izquierda Unida y el “plan de garantía de rendas” de Podemos contra la pobreza: unas propuestas muy pobres” [“”Guaranteed jobs” from Izquierda Unida and “Plan of income guarantee” from Podemos, against poverty: two very weak proposals”], Sin Permisso, November 1st 2015