Daniel Raventós. Credit to: eldario.es
Ever since the Spanish political party Podemos has introduced Basic Income in its political program for the European Parliament elections, in May 2014, the discussions around this issue have risen to unprecedented heights, turning it into a “hot” topic in the Spanish political-economic public debate. One of its main defenders, Dr. Daniel Raventós, has even said that “the place on Earth where the debate around Basic Income is most advanced is here [in Spain]“.
Although a much debated topic at the moment, the issue has been of interest for many years, although mainly among academia circles. More recently, it was re-ignited by the publication of a financial model for the Basic Income implementation in Catalonia, which served as a basis for a nationwide study of the kind (in Spain).
This has spurred the interest of more generalist media, and radio and television interviews followed, during 2014 and up until now. Daniel Raventós has been the leading figure in these communication efforts, but others have supported the (Basic Income) cause, in close connection to Daniel, as Jordi Arcarons and Lluis Torrens.

Credit to: Sin Permisso (III Monográfico Renta Básica 2014-2015)
Since May 2014, a series of articles published by Daniel Raventós’s Sin Permisso magazine have spurred discussions, which definitely contribute to the widening reaching of the Basic Income concept in Spanish society. Ongoing experiences like Podemos may have temporarily retreated from Basic Income, due to persistent notions as Full Employment, but the underlying interest still exists, while there are other political organizations which are defending it at the moment, such as Equo, Pirata, Bildu (coalition of parties in the Basque Country), Esquerra Republicana and the ICV (Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds).
More information at:
Language: Spanish
Arcarons, D. Raventós, Ll. Torrens, “A financing model for the Basic Income technically feasible and not redundant politically [Un modelo de financiación de la Renta Básica técnicamente factible y políticamente no inerte]“, Sin Permisso, December 1 2013
Language: Spanish
Interview with Daniel Raventós, Radio Euskadi “Mas que palabras”, Radio Eusaki, January 2 2014
Language: Spanish
Daniel Raventós, “Candidacy to the European Parliament and Basic Income [Candidaturas al parlamento europeo y renta básica]“, Sin Permisso, May 18 2014
Maciej Szlinder, “Basic Income in the Spotlight in Spain: Interview with Daniel Raventós”,Praktyka Teoretyczna, October 30 2014.
Language: Spanish
“Summary of a discussion on Basic Income (BI) and Full Employment (FE), between Uduardo Garzón and Jordi Arcarons, Daniel Raventós and Lluís Torrens team [Resumen de una discusión sobre renta básica (RB) y trabajo garantizado (TG) entre Eduardo Garzón y el equipo formado por Jordi Arcarons, Daniel Raventós y Lluís Torrens]“, La mala política Blog, November 23 2014
Language: Spanish
Jordi Arcarons, Antoni Domènech, Daniel Raventós, Lluís Torrens, “A basic income finance model for all Spanish Kingdom: yes, it can be done and is rational [Un modelo de financiación de la Renta Básica para el conjunto del Reino de España: sí, se puede y es racional]“, Sinpermisso, December 7 2014
Language: Spanish
Daniel Raventós, “Three present day debates about Basic Income and…is it a right of left wing proposal? [Tres debates actuales sobre la Renta Básica y… ¿es una propuesta de derechas o de izquierdas?]” Sin Permisso, January 11 2015
Language: Catalan
“Parlem de la renda bàsica amb l’economista Daniel Raventós (UB)“, Live on Televisió 3 Channel, January 23 2015
Language: Spanish
Siscu Baiges, “Interview with Daniel Raventós: “All parties are interested in the Basic Income, until they reach the government” [Entrevista a Daniel Raventós: “Todos los partidos están interesados en la Renta Básica hasta que llegan al Gobierno”]“, eldiario.es, February 7 2015
Language: Spanish
Several authors, “3rd monograph on Basic Income 2014-2015 [III Monográfico Renta Básica 2014-2015]“, Sin Permisso, February 2015