Those who can’t attend the Fourteenth North American Basic Income Guarantee (NABIG) Congress in person can participate online in several ways. An independent group of bloggers from Basic Income Project, LLC will be covering the Congress. The broadcast will be live and accessible from during the event, and recordings will be available at that same address after the event has concluded.

Queensboro Bridge
There will also be a interactive live twitter feed to follow @USBIG hashtag #NABIG15, which will be used to connect the discussions of those both at the conference and unable to attend the conference. In addition, social media discussions will be congregated and made available via Storify throughout the Congress. Another way to participate from afar is to join the live Reddit feed, which will be continually updated, and monitored so that questions proposed from cyberspace can be relayed to the speakers in the room. This will connect the now 23,000 strong community of those interested in basic income on Reddit.
The easiest way for interested people who aren’t regular users of any of these sites to connect will be to watch the live stream of the conference at, and comment on it on the live Reddit feed.
The NABIG Congress an event page on Facebook will have links to all of these ways to connect to the Congress. USBIG website has the conference schedule, interested people are invited to check the times of the sessions that most interest them. The broad cast will occur at the following times
Thursday Feb. 26, 6:30pm-9 (all times in Eastern Time, United States)
Friday, Feb. 27, 8am to 7pm
Saturday, Feb. 28, 8am to 6:30pm
Sunday, March 1 8am to 1:30pm, and again 6-9pm that evening.
And of course, the discussion continues online.
The organizers especially invite off-site participants to join on Sunday evening for the movement meeting, “Are we ready to start a political movement for a Basic Income Guarantee in the United States?” March 1, 6-9pm.

NABIG Congress