This book launch conference takes place on Friday October 31, 2014, at the occasion of the publication of “Basic Income in Japan. Prospects for a Radical Idea in a Transforming Welfare State“, co-edited by Yannick Vanderborght & Toru Yamamori. This collective volume provides the international audience with the very first general overview of the scholarly debate on basic income in Japan.
Featured speakers include Yannick Vanderborght (Université Saint-Louis Brussels & Hoover Chair Louvain), Yuki Sekine (Kobe University) and Kaori Katada (Hosei University). A 30% discount on the book price is available for conference attendees (via flyers to be distributed at the conference).
The conference (in French and Japanese with simultaneous translation) takes place at the Maison franco-japonaise in Ebisu (Tokyo). Further details can be found here (in French) and here (in Japanese).