EUROPEAN UNION: Citizens’ Initiative for Basic Income can be signed online

[Aynur Bashirova]

European citizens’ initiative petition on basic income was launched earlier this year. Basic income initiative believes in distributing minimum income to all the citizens without conditionality and regardless of the employment. The petition can be signed online by any EU citizen based on universal suffrage. If the initiative manages to collect 1 million signatures from at least seven EU countries, the initiative will be looked upon by the European Parliament.

For more information go to: European Commission. (14 January 2013). Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) – Exploring a pathway towards emancipatory welfare conditions in the EU. European Citizens’ Initiative.

VIDEO: The Swiss Activist Who Collected 100,000 Signatures to Provide Every Adult Citizen with $2,800/Month

[Steve Shafarman – USBIG]

This video, an exclusive interview is cofounder of the Basic Income Initiative, Enno Schmidt, includes references to Milton Friedman, Alaska, Namibia, and more. Enno is an artist and author of the film Basic Income: A Cultural Impulse.

The Real News Network, “The Swiss Activist Who Collected 100,000 Signatures to Provide Every Adult Citizen with $2,800/Month,” The Real News Network, October 21, 2013.

Swiss demonstration with delivery of signatures for basic income

Swiss demonstration with delivery of signatures for basic income

AUDIO: Van Parijs on the Swiss radio

On October 2, 2013, the French-speaking Swiss radio network RTS devoted a one-hour programme to basic income. The broadcast included an interview with Philippe Van Parijs (Louvain University), as well as with philosopher Serge Margel (Lausanne University), Julien Dubouchet Corthay (BIEN-Switzerland), and economist Marco Salvi (Avenir suisse).

The programme (in French) can be heard online on the website of RTS.

Arthur de Grave & Benjamin Tincq, “Can debt catalyse the next global rebellion? An interview with David Graeber"

[Craig Axford]

In this wide-ranging interview with the anthropologist David Graeber, ideas such as a debt jubilee and basic income guarantee are discussed. According to Graeber, a basic income would allow people to “find a valuable occupation” of their own choosing instead of forcing people to work in increasingly unproductive “bullshit jobs” that exist simply to perpetuate the perception that work is a moral undertaking.

Arthur de Grave & Benjamin Tincq, “Can debt catalyse the next global rebellion? An interview with David Graeber,” OUIShare, October 9, 2013.

Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers, “Time for an Economy of, by and for the People”

[Craig Axford]

An overview of current economic policy and a number of alternative directions we might follow are discussed here, including a shorter work-week at current wage levels, an increase in the minimum wage to reflect increases in productivity, and a basic guaranteed income set above the poverty line.

Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers, “Time for an Economy of, by and for the People,” Dissident Voice, June 26, 2013.

Dissident Voice: a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice

Dissident Voice: a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice