[Aynur Bashirova – BI News – April 2013]

“The BIG Movement” is a global grassroots movement that aims to raise awareness about the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) through a network of project teams, public events, and media channels. It has a website and a Facebook page. It is currently sponsoring a petition and recruiting members. It held a virtual meeting online on December 30, 2012 in which the following issues were discussed: Goals of the movement, website structure & functionality, and TeamSpeak server setup. The meeting decided to focus in on one central goal, “To raise awareness of Basic Income through a network of project teams, public events, and media channels.”

If you’re interested in the BIG Movement, it can be found online at these two places:

Webpage: https://www.thebigmovement.org/

Facebook page: https://www.thebigmovement.org/2013/01/02/like-this-facebook-page-the-big-movement