Basic income studies: news on how to access the full text articles

Some news on how to access full text versions of articles published by Basic Income Studies (BIS) on the website of its new publisher, DeGruyter:

Individual users with already existing accounts at the DeGruyter site can use the token “newusercredits”. This token can be entered in the window popping up when a user chooses a BIS article and clicks on “Get Access to Full Text”.

For new users … DeGruyter is planning to include the BIS as part of a free access promotional package of 11 journals. When this promotion is launched, all BIS articles will be freely accessible for every new user registering (i.e. creating a new account) on

For technical reasons, current registered users with DeGruyter will have to use the token as outlined above in order to access full text articles.

LIBRARY ACCESS: If you have access to a library that subscribes to Basic Income Studies, this of course is another means of accessing the journal.  If the library at your institution or organization does not yet subscribe to BIS, please suggest that they do so!

If you are having access problems to BIS, please contact

Flassbeck, Heiner, Friederike Spiecker, Volker Meinhardt and Dieter Vesper, Frankfurt, Westend Irrweg Grundeinkommen: Die große Umverteilung von unten nach oben muss beendet werden [The Basic Income Aberration: The Great Redistribution from Bottom to Top Must be Ended]

This book argues against the change of income distribution in the last decades (the great redistribution from bottom to top・, but it also reject the basic income as a solution.

Flassbeck, Heiner, Friederike Spiecker, Volker Meinhardt and Dieter Vesper (2012), Frankfurt, Westend. Irrweg Grundeinkommen: Die große Umverteilung von unten nach oben muss beendet werden [The Basic Income Aberration: The Great Redistribution from Bottom to Top Must be Ended], Frankfurt, Germany: Westend.

A critical review of this book entitled Kein Irrweg [no abberation] is online in German is at:

A translation of that review into English is online at:

Manning, Lowell, “How to introduce a guaranteed minimum income in New Zealand”

Summary, this paper offers a practical plan to resolve the world’s problem of exponential debt growth and to control inflation. The plans are based on a revision of the well-known Fisher Equation of exchange enabling it to take account of interest-bearing debt. They are designed to ensure that no low or middle  income group in the community is worse off than it is now. The plan involves introducing a guaranteed minimum income (GMI) for each person in the country to replace the existing welfare system. The GMI can be funded on an income-positive basis by phasing out existing welfare transfer payments, by realigning existing tax thresholds and by introducing a wealth tax of 1% of all net assets.  This paper shows that a fair result is produced using a flat tax of 41.5% on all earned income.”
In English, with French translation available.

Manning, Lowell, “How to introduce a guaranteed minimum income in New Zealand,” Integrated August 8, 2012