Taranto, Italy, 16th November 2012: Presentation of BIN Italia last book

BIN Italia last book, Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario e possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project] published by Edizioni Gruppo Abele has been presented in the city of Taranto on Novemer 16th. The event has been organised by Comitato  Cittadini e Lavoratori Liberi e Pensanti [Committee of Free and Thinking Citizens and Workers], a local association formed by workers at ILVA in Taranto – Italy’s biggest steelworks – and residents to demand health and jobs. Luca Santini, President of BIN Italia, took part in the discussion.


Napoli, Italy, 14th November 2012: Public Meeting on Precarity and Basic Income

A public meeting on precarity and basic income has been held on November 14th at the Cultural Centre “La città del Sole” in Naples. The meeting represented an occasion to talk about precarity and the various declinations of basic income (universal basic income, citizens’ income, and guaranteed minimum income) on the very same day of the European General Strike against the E.U.’s austerity policies. The meeting has been organised by ALBA [Alliance of Labour, Public Goods and the Environment] – a new political formation launched by academics, writers, lawyers, trade unionists and others to the left of the Italian Democrats. The event has been attended by  Giuseppe Allegri (Bin Italia), Roberto Ciccarelli (author of La Furia dei Cervelli [The Fury of the Brains]), Stefano Iannillo (Uds – Union of Students), and Catia Uccello (Link-Students’ Union). The debate has been coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Arienzo, a historian of political thought at the University of Naples “Federico II”.


Tunis, Tunisia, March 23-28, 2013: World Social Forum to discuss BIG

According to Vereniging Basisinkomen (VB, the BIEN Affiliate in the Netherlands) the 2013 World Social Forum, taking place in Tunis from March 23rd to 28th, will include a collaborative workshop on Basic Income. According to VB, this workshop could be the occasion to show how an unconditional basic income reduces poverty, emancipates individuals from an alienating productivist economic system, and gives them the means to get more involved in their communities.

For more information, see the story on the VB website:

And the World Social Forum webpage for the workshop:

Blog: Gary Flomenhoft, “QE3 PLUS!” Vermont Commons, Wed, 12/05/2012

This blog on Quantitative Easing 3 (QE3) argues that a temporary basic income would be much more equitable and effective way to stimulate the U.S. economy. Flomenhoft finds that the $85 billion per month the Fed is buying mortgage debt and treasury bonds could finance a basic income of $270 per person per month or $3240 per year.

It’s online at: https://www.vtcommons.org/blog/qe3-plus

Link: The Staatsbuergersteuer System

Staatsbuergersteuer is a tax system that incorporates a basic income. Joachim Mitschke and Bernd Starkloff are the coauthors of Staatsbuergersteuer, which released its first publication more than 40 years ago. The system incorporates the concept of Buergergeld, a negative income tax, comparable to Basic Income along with other ideas. Their website (available only in German), is online at:


An English-language abstract of the system is online at: https://www.staatsbuergersteuer.de/abstract.htm
For more information contact: b.starkloff@gmx.de