STANDING, Guy, May 24, 2011, “The Precariat – The new dangerous class”

According to Guy Standing, the Precariat “consists of a multitude of insecure people, living bits-and-pieces lives, in and out of short-term jobs, without a narrative of occupational development.” There are many more people in this position in the industrialized world than there were 50 years ago. Standing argues, “The only way to provide sufficient economic security is to do so ex ante, through providing every legal resident in society with a basic income as a right.” Standing is former co-chair and honorary co-President of BIEN. His article is online at:

KOTHER, Harald, Mar. 22, 2011, “Basic Income: The Way out of a Sick Society”

This article discusses Erich Fromm’s arguments on the psychological benefit of a basic income. Harald Kother writes, “Without the social contract, we become wolves to one another. Without the social contract, the state becomes a trough for the super-rich. Basic income could enable everyone to participate in social, economic and political life. Without vision, the people perish.”

It’s online at:

SPECIAL ISSUE: “Perspectives on Cash Transfers”

Economic and Political Weekly Volume 46, No. 21, May 21 – May 27, 2011

This special issue contains the following articles on cash transfers:

NARAYANAN, Sudha “A Case for Reframing the Cash Transfer Debate in India”

YANES, Pablo, “Mexico’s Targeted and Conditional Transfers: Between Oportunidades and Rights

VERAS SOARES, Fabio, “Brazil’s Bolsa Família: A Review”

BASTAGLI, Francesca, “Conditional Cash Transfers as a Tool of Social Policy”

GHOSH, Jayati, “Cash Transfers as the Silver Bullet for Poverty Reduction: A Sceptical Note”

KOTWAL, Ashok, Milind MURUGKAR, and Bharat RAMASWAMI, “PDS Forever?”

CHAUDHURI, Arka Roy and E SOMANATHAN, “Impact of Biometric Identification-Based Transfers”

KAPUR, Devesh, “The Shift to Cash Transfers: Running Better But on the Wrong Road?”

These articles are online at: