The deadline for the call for proposals for the 16th BIEN Congress has been extended to Monday, February 29, 2016. The organizers invite people from all over the world to make a proposal and participate in the Congress. The call for proposals with links to more information is below, and you can find more information on the Congress website.
16th BIEN Congress: Social and Ecological Transformation and Basic Income
Seoul, Korea, 7–9 July 2016
Organized by the Basic Income Korean Network
Today the basic income attracts the public attention as a positive alternative beyond an idea. We can see it as important political parties in Europe have adopted the unconditional basic income as a policy objective. One reason for the increased public attention is that many people are coming to believe that the existing system is unsustainable in face of economic and ecological crises. Under these circumstances, we will discuss a more concrete and positive alternative under the theme of Social and Ecological Transformation and Basic Income.
The discussion will be around the topics below.
- Economic models of post neoliberalism and the position and role of basic income in them
- The role of basic income in pursuit of expanding democracy in the political arena and in society as a whole
- The role of basic income in the transition to an ecological society and the accompanying cultural society
- The role of basic income in the transformation from the work-based society, presuming it as an element of the de-commodification of labor force
- The ear of the precariat and basic income
- The role of basic income in enhancing gender equality
- Basic income as a tool for the resolution of the youth, unemployment problem
- Evaluation and prospect of various pilot projects
- Post-human prospects and basic income
The above topics are not intended to limit the boundaries, but to set as references for a broader discussion. We invite all interested individuals and groups to participate. Those who want to present should submit abstracts(up to one page in A4 in Korean or 300 words in English) to by February 29th 2016.

16th BIEN Congress
We are happy to inform you that seven keynote speakers will attend the congress and some more keynote speakers could be with us. Seven keynote speakers are: Louise Haagh (York University, England), Yamamori Toru (Doshisha University, Japan), Jan Otto Andersson (ÅboAkademi University, Finland), SarathDavala (India), Minister and Bishop ZephaniaKameeta (Namibia), Zhiyuan Cui (Tsinghua University, China) and Gonzalo Hernandez Licona (Mexico).
Korean Basic Income Week will be held along with the 16th BIEN congress. We also invite all interested individuals and groups to participate in this event which will be comprised of concerts, film-screenings, performances and campaigns. Those who want to give proposals for Basic Income Week should submit them to by February 29th 2016.

16th BIEN Congress
Programs of the congress and Basic Income Week will be compiled from all submissions and proposals by March 31st 2016. We will send a message to all those who have made a submission shortly afterwards. If you have any question, please contact us at
Finally, we will run a day-care center for children under 8 for the participants with to use. Contact us at please.
For more information, click here for the Congress website.