As previously announced at Basic Income News, the San Francisco-based project My Basic Income (MBI) will be giving away a $15,000 one-year, no-strings-attached basic income to one randomly selected individual. The winner will be drawn from those who signed up for the raffle by answering one simple question (albeit, as we know, a very big question): “What would you do if your income were guaranteed?”
The drawing will take place on Tuesday, May 31st at 7:00 pm Pacific Time, and will be streamed live on YouTube.
Natalie Foster from the Institute for the Future and Milicent Johnson from Tipping Point will also speak at the event.

MBI-founders Gregory Tippett and Cameron Ottens on what they would do with a guaranteed income
Visit MBI’s Facebook event page for further details and updates. (Unfortunately, the free food is only available on-site in San Francisco, CA, not via the live stream.)
Like its forebear Mein Grundeinkommen, which has given away 42 crowdfunded basic incomes (and counting), My Basic Income does not plan to stop with one.
Thus, it is continuing to collect donations for future raffles — in order to continue to increase awareness and support of basic income.
In MBI’s words, its mission it to “aim for impact now, for raising awareness now, and for public support for Basic Income now.”