Language : Italian

Italy : Minimum Income and Dignity Income.

On his website, LIBERA « Associazioni, nomi è numeri contro le mafie » presents a list of cities whose assemblies have voted délibérations wich support campaigns for the « Reddito Minimo » (Minimum Income) and « Reddito di Dignita » (Dignity Income ). Several other initiatives are also reported.

The Libera website gives access to the full deliberations and decisions texts voted in several italian cities assemblies. These texts make clear the motivations for legal and socioeconomic background and purposes of their provisions. (for example : cities of  Bologna, Caltanisetta, Fabriano, Maierato,…).

The « Global Journal » locates « Libera » inside the 100 best non profit association of its world classification, as the sole/ most important one in Italy.