GERMANY: Paid advertisement announces group’s position on Basic Inome

The Initiative New Social Market economy (INSM), “Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft” in German, was founded in the year 2000 by the German employers’ federation “Gesamtmetall” and follows the aim, according to its own statements, to spread its regulatory ideas among decision makers and the public. Its methods is contentious as it maintains close contacts to mass medias and used embedded marketing in the past.

In the last few days, next to German Google’s search-results on the term “Grundeinkommen” (the German word for “Basic Income”) an advertisement from the mentioned initiative appears, linking to its website, where it offers a selection of its positions on the topic. The introduction of the respective page is said (translated):

“The debate about a Basic Income for everybody has in Germany over and over again a boom.  Many people are festinated  by the idea to receive money from the state without achieving something. ”

Advertising at Google costs and it seems that INSM willing to pay to bring its position on the top for people searching for information and news about Basic Income.

In Germany the amount of adherents of a Basic Income is relatively high. In the beginning of 2009 more than 52,000 people subscribed an online-petition for a Basic Income in Germany and in November 2010 this topic was advised public at the petition committee of the German Bundestag. The interest on the topic is still growing and accordingly the search queries at e.g. Google.

The 14th BIEN Congress to be held Munich, Germany, 14-16 September 2012

In the past months, members of BIEN’s Executive Committee have been meeting with the organizers of the next Congress, first in New York City (at the occasion of North American basic income conference in February 2011), then in Munich (March 16, 2011). The Congress will be held in Ottobrunn (near Munich), Germany, on September 14-16, 2012. A venue in Munich has already been reserved for up to 500 participants. There will be a pre-conference ‘political’ day has been set aside for September 13, 2012. For further information, please contact the organizers at:

GERMANY: Pro-market party calls for basic child income

The pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) of Germany has suggested a basic children’s income to replace all parenting and child payments, according to The Local, and English-language German online newspaper. Sibylle Laurischk, of the FDP, said that with a basic income, every child would be entitled to a definite amount of money: “Parents and above all single parents who don’t have their own income can therefore pay for what a child needs.”

For more information see:

“FDP calls for basic children’s income” Published: 17 May 2011

German Flyers on basic income

All parties represented in German Federal Parliament have been discussing various models of basic income at some point in the past few years. Now two of them, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Die Linke come along with new flyers by their Basic Income working groops:ünes_netzwerk_ge.pdf