Interview: Daniel Häni on the Swiss Initiative

Daniel Häni at the event

Dorothee Schulte-Basta: Daniel, today a lot of people believe that the popular initiative for Basic Income here in Switzerland could also give an impulse to others. Is it in your opinion an impulse for Europe, or is it a global impulse?

Daniel Häni: Switzerland has a special position. It is really easier to promote the idea of Basic Income here than elsewhere because, on the one hand, we have a direct democracy and, on the other hand, we have no financial poverty. We can talk more freely about Basic Income since basic income is really an idea, a cultural impulse. This is evident from the debates in our neighboring country, Germany, where it is a debate about social policy. But in Switzerland the chances are greater because here the issue is discussed on a cultural level. As for the impulse, we think that it concerns not only Switzerland. We are doing this not only for Switzerland.

Dorothee: Are you doing it for Europe? For the world?

Daniel: I would not think so. You start with Europe, and then you quickly start thinking about America. America has strong links with Switzerland. This can be seen from the history of democracy.

Daniel Häni shovelling

Dorothee: Both countries have a common history of democracy, but the social situation in these countries is very different. For example, most people in the United States are not doing nearly as well financially as the people in Switzerland. And the social safety nets are quite different.

Daniel: Yes, but the United States is the biggest economy in the world. And America is built completely on the principles of freedom. The individual counts a lot. You can do there almost everything you want. The situation is similar in Switzerland. Switzerland was also built from the bottom up. However, it was unified into a direct democracy. In America, they went another way. But for the United States, basic income is an essential impulse, too. The most important thing one has to understand about basic income is that the idea behind it is the intent to free the economic potential of people. Or, to put it in other words, we need to change people’s understanding of the term “labour”. This is also a prerequisite to the future meritocratic society: the individual will associate themselves completely with what they do. America needs that. I can see that the door is open in America – through its history and mentality.  And people in America want to do something. What people have to understand is that they need a base, an income so that one can work.

Picknick on money

Dorothee: What impulses can come to Switzerland from other countries? For example, can the pilot projects on basic income that have been launched in other countries, such as India, Brazil or Namibia, give an impulse to Switzerland? Or are there any other basic income-related activities that could give an impulse to Switzerland?

Daniel: I think all basic income pilots are interesting. They are a kind of impulse, too. Everything that happens somewhere could provide an impulse. But I would like to clarify this. It is not Switzerland that provides an impulse for Europe or America. It is not Switzerland, but rather it is the people– and they are everywhere in the world.

The most important thing is that we in Switzerland (maybe otherwise I would have been born somewhere else) are able to produce such a popular initiative. During a vote, the result is not so important. What matters is what happens on the way towards the vote, what kind of consciousness is created, and how people’s attitudes and thoughts change are also important. Here, in Switzerland, this is part of our culture. It is common practice here to make decisions together. We do not have boring discussions about pro and contra, or government and opposition.

Mountain of money

Dorothee: What are your wishes regarding basic income?

Daniel: I wish that all basic income advocates would know all the arguments against basic income, and would be able to cite them.  I also wish that all basic income opponents would know all the arguments for basic income, delve deeper into the issue, and would be able to cite them. This is my wish. It’s the maximum we can achieve.

Dorothee: Thanks, Daniel.

Podcast on Basic Income #2 (13/10/21)

Respective Links:
0:35 United States – Occupy

1:11 United States – Blog of Peter Frase

1:30 United States – Rich Smith

2:01 United States – Interview with Karl Widerquist

2:32 Canada

3:05 Clarification on ELF

4:25 Europe – EU Signature Counter

4:51 Belgium – Philippe van Parijs

5:25 Switzerland – Anne-Béatrice Duparc’s Opinion

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OPINION: We the Swiss, calling on the world!

flyer foreverWe did it! Did you hear about it? Did you see the picture of the 8 million 5-cent coins on the ground in front of Swiss parliament ? Did you read one of the hundreds of articles about it ?

Here we are, Swiss basic income activists with the whole world watching and listening. It gives me the shivers. It makes me shiver that a bunch of crazy people can suddenly attract the entire worlds eye. It makes me shiver that faith is so powerful. That’s right, when you believe in something, you have the power to make it real. We human beings, are powerful if we don’t let our doubts be the master of the game.

We did it! Did you hear about it? Did you see the picture of the 8 million 5-cent coins on the ground in front of Swiss parliament ? Did you read one of the hundreds of articles about it ?

Here we are, Swiss basic income activists with the whole world watching and listening. It gives me the shivers. It makes me shiver that a bunch of crazy people can suddenly attract the entire worlds eye. It makes me shiver that faith is so powerful. That’s right, when you believe in something, you have the power to make it real. We human beings, are powerful if we don’t let our doubts be the master of the game.

Some kind of a revolution… Earth shattering. In two or three years time, Swiss citizens will vote on basic income. They will be the first citizens in the whole world to be asked this powerful question; do you want a basic income? Do you want everyone to have their needs met without condition?

collectors around tableCan you imagine that for almost a year and a half, we, a bunch of average people (not political parties) were on the streets collecting signatures? Whether it was cold, hot, snowy, there we were, with our petition in hand, listening to people, watching their eyes glowing with wonder and surprise, or even full of doubts. We were there, all volunteers, simply for the sake of freedom, the happiness to share, the faith in humanity, convinced that our society needs to change, convinced that it is possible if each of us does their part. We were there, because the idea of basic income is not about money, it is about life, about what is really important for you, for me, as human beings. When I ask someone if they want basic income, what I really ask them is; how do you really want to live your life, what is important to you, what gives meaning to your life? What would you do if you could choose? Such powerful questions, that we cant often ask!

What now? We know it, we will vote on basic income. We have made the first step. Now we begin a new chapter. And this is not the story of Switzerland anymore. This is the story of YOU and ME, us ALL, humanity. We all share the same planet, the same blood runs throughout our veins. Making our voice heard, ensuring that everyone can live as a free human beings, able to choose one’s life ; don’t we all want these things? So, what must we do? We have to stand up! However we can, stand up, and spread the word, believe that WE are powerful. We must understand that every drop fills the ocean.

kid playing on coinsWe, Swiss activists supporting this idea, are conscious that we are watched by the whole world, especially after the media coverage of October 4th! We now know that we can make a difference, not only in Switzerland, but also in the whole world by showing what is possible! We are paving the way towards basic income. We are conscious that a monumental challenge is in front of us! And all of the work involved… so that 50% of the Swiss people vote for basic income.

We need you people! Help us make this difference! We need you to support us to make it possible.

This article originally appeared in: Basic Income Earth Network – Switzerland

Podcast on Basic Income #1 (13/10/13)

Respective Links:
0:32 Switzerland – Articles on the Swiss BI referendum

1:52 United States – Allan Sheahen

2:32 The USA – Emily DeCiccio

3:09 – Germany – Joerg Drescher

3:26 – Tom Streithorst

4:13 – United Kingdom – David Jenkins

4:36 – Ireland – The Green Party

5:11 – Namibia – Linda Raven

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Several articles on the Swiss Basic Income Referendum

The initiative aims to have a minimum monthly disposal household income of CHF 2,500 (US$ 2,700) given by the government to every citizen living in Switzerland -Reuters

The initiative aims to have a minimum monthly disposal household income of CHF 2,500 (US$ 2,700) given by the government to every citizen living in Switzerland -Reuters

As reported recently on BI News, following a successful petition initiative, Switzerland will hold national referendum to vote on basic income. The referendum has received significant attention in world news media, including the following articles:

Alice Baghdjian (author) Denis Balibouse (reporter), and Gareth Jones (editor), “Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult,” Reuters, October 4, 2013. Reposted by MSN:

VIDEO: “Cash Bern: Swiss may grant unconditional income for allRuplty TV

VIDEO: “Switzerland: Parliament forced to debate basic income for nationals Ruptly TV, Oct 3, 2013: Enno Schmidt, founder of Generation Basic Income Initiative, talks through the aims of the unconditional basic income initiative.

Max Rivlin-Nadler, “Swiss to Vote on Guaranteed $2800 Monthly Income for All Adults,” Gawker, October 5, 2013.

Common Dreams staff, “Swiss Showing the World How to Take on Pay Inequality Common Dreams, Saturday, October 5, 2013. This story includes photos and embedded video.

Ivan Botoucharov, “The Abolition of Poverty in Switzerland: A Template for Europe?One-Europe, 04 Oct 2013

Anna Edwards, “Streets of Basel paved with gold: 15 TONS of five cent coins are dumped on city’s streets as protesters demand a basic minimum income for every Swiss household,” The Mail Online, 4 October 2013. This story includes pictures of how the coins were assembled to be dropped during the demonstration in Bern.

Jameson, “Swiss to Vote on Whether to Give a $2,800 Monthly Income to Every Citizen,”, 5 Oct 2013.

VIDEO: “Swiss prepare to vote on basic income,” Belfast Telegraph.

Richard Cook, “Swiss in Forefront With Basic Income Proposal,” Global Research, 6 October 2013.

AUDIO: Aaron Schachter [Interview with Karl Widerquist], “$2750 a month for every adult, guaranteed? Switzerland’s considering it,” PRI’s The World, Producer: Emily Files, October 14, 2013.

Ronald Blaschke, “Kroatien: ‘We are incredibly happy here and celebrating,’” Netzwerk Grundeinkommen, 16 October 13

VIDEO: Rubin Report, “Switzerland Might Guarantee A $2800 Monthly Income for All Adults,” The Rubin Report, Oct 14, 2013.

Adam Taylor, “Switzerland Mulls Giving Every Citizen $2,800 a Month,” Business Insider, Slate, Oct. 19 2013.

Ivan Botoucharov, “The Abolition of Poverty in Switzerland: A Template for Europe? The success of a ‘Basic Income’ campaign in Switzerland provides momentum to an equivalent EU initiative.One: Society, Democracy, Europe, 04 Oct 2013.

Josh Eidelson, “Rather than savage cuts, Switzerland considers ‘Star Trek’ economics: Switzerland will vote on giving every adult in the country a $2,800 check every month. How would that work? Friday, Oct 11, 2013.

If you know of more articles on the BI referendum in Switzerland, please leave the publication information and link in the comments section. If it’s in a language other than English, please indicate what language it’s in.

Activists pile 8 Mio five-centime pieces, one for each citizen in Switzerland, into a bank vault -EPA

Activists pile 8 Mio five-centime pieces, one for each citizen in Switzerland, into a bank vault -EPA