A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.
The Royal Society of Arts Explains: [2 minutes]

Recent News, Opinion, and Research
Book Review: Basic Income: A Short Guide by Annie Miller
Annie Miller, a co-founder of BIEN, has just published a new book, Basic Income: A Short Guide (Edinburgh: Luath Press). This is a clear, concise, and complete work that should be in the library of every supporter of basic income (BI). The book begins with a critique...
Positive evaluation of basic Income pilot in Uganda
In August 2020 the Dutch NGO INclusion started a basic income pilot in the village Welle in Nebbi District in Uganda, together with Ugandan partner AFARD. All 350+ people of the village, adults as well as children, have received a basic income amounting to the...
South African civil society groups head to court to advance comprehensive social protection
by Kelle Howson and Neil Coleman The Institute for Economic Justice On 27 July 2023, a group of civil society organizations in South Africa launched a major social security litigation that has the South African government’s Ministry of Social Development and the...
Income To Support All Foundation
I'm excited to share that I'm now the Founder and President of the Income To Support All Foundation, a new non-profit whose purpose is to accelerate the implementation of unconditional universal basic income by just doing it and by telling the stories of those whose...
Hugh Segal, basic income champion, would want others to carry baton for him, say supporters
"Hugh Segal, perhaps Canada’s most ardent defender of a basic income policy to lift people out of poverty, has died at 72. A Kingston resident, Segal was born in Montreal. His career included public service as chief of staff to prime minister Brian Mulroney and before...
Manufactured desperation (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 18)
The last post in my 18-part blog series, "Mandatory Participation on Trial," is now online. Here is the lead paragraph: According to Henry David Thoreau, “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” I think it’s more accurate to say the mass of people lead lives...
“The State Of The Art In Basic Income Policy” [Video Series]
FRIBIS welcomes you to the public lecture series on “The State Of The Art Of Basic Income Policy,” held and recorded in April and May 2023. Five researchers present their previously published papers, providing an in-depth look at their work. Professor Jurgen De...
It’s Basic: Guaranteed Income Works.
The Guaranteed Income Works national tour is underway! Following its debut at the Tribeca Festival in June, the new documentary, It’s Basic, is starting a 50-city national tour to show how guaranteed income can end poverty in the United States. In July, the tour...
Reflections on the UN Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace
By BIEN Executive Committee In July 2023, the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, launched his New Agenda for Peace, a landmark initiative for the UN and national governments to better respond to today’s challenges of international peace...
Launch of UBI Piloters Network
The UBI Piloters Network is proud to announce its launch in collaboration with the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), the University of Bath, and the University of Freiburg's Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS). The network unites researchers, policymakers,...
22nd BIEN Congress (August 23rd – 26th) in South Korea is coming soon!
The 22nd annual BIEN Congress, taking place in South Korea this year from August 23rd to 26th, is coming soon. Conducted synchronously offline and online, the event will be held at Ewha Womans University ECC, Seoul, South Korea. You can check the finalized version of...
How the UK Monarchy Cashes In On Our Seabed
Guy Standing, BIEN Co-Founder, has a new article published in Prospect, August/September 2023 issue. "The royal family has made millions from the exploitation of the seabed—a resource that belongs to us all. Is it time for people and planet to be put ahead of profit?"...