Scott Santens, "It’s Time We Take a Closer Look at America’s Three Favorite Words: Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy"

In this article, Scott Santens evaluates the American ideals of freedom, liberty, and democracy and the degrees to which they each exist in America today, concluding that a basic income guarantee would best enable these ideals to flourish in actual practice.

Scott Santens, “It’s Time We Take a Closer Look at America’s Three Favorite Words: Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy“, Medium, 28 October 2014.

Scott Santens, "Breaking Down Without a Spare – America’s lopsided welfare system of counterproductive public assistance"

In this article, Scott Santens describes our current welfare system across the entire socioeconomic spectrum, and stresses the need for an improved safety net that exists as a basic income floor everyone can count on and no one can fall beneath.

Scott Santens, “Breaking Down Without a Spare – America’s lopsided welfare system of counterproductive public assistance“, Medium, 13 October 2014.

Breaking down without a spare -Photo by Jeremy Brooks — Flickr, via

Breaking down without a spare -Photo by Jeremy Brooks — Flickr, via

Scott Santens, “Machine Labor Day”

[Josh Martin]

This piece gives thorough insight into the issue of automation and robotics replacing human labor and thus leading to an influx of unemployed low-skill workers.  Santens describes why a higher minimum wage would fail to properly address the problem and instead advocates a basic income to help ease this process into automated labor.

Scott Santens, “Machine Labor Day”, Medium, 1 September 2014.

Scott Santens, “解決本世紀經濟問題的根本方法:每人每月發三萬台幣?[Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?]”

Scott Santens’ article, “Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?” originally published on Medium has now been translated into Chinese and posted onto BuzzOrange – a news and media aggregation site akin to a Taiwanese BuzzFeed or The Huffington Post – by site contributor, “Ann”.

The Chinese language version can be read here.

Scott Santens, “解決本世紀經濟問題的根本方法:每人每月發三萬台幣?[Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?]BuzzOrange, 25 June 2014.