BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

Book review: ‘Could a Citizen’s Income work?’

Donald Hirsch, ‘Could a Citizen’s Income work?’ A paper commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of its Minimum Income Standard programme, and published in March 2015. The Citizen’s Income Newsletter...

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Report from London Futurists’ event

The Case For Universal Basic Income, 14th February 2015 What will be the impact of technological change on society? We are often told that people whose jobs are automated will simply retrain and find work in new occupations, the same way farmers became factory workers...

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A Basic Income Women Action Group Statement

April 28, 2015 A Basic Income Women Action Group Statement Prepared by Liane Gale, Ann Withorn and Kristine Osbakken Inspired by conversations and presentations at the 2015 North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress in NYC   The broad goal of the group is to...

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Basic Income Day is a great idea, but not on May Day!

Basic income activists around the world are doing a great job (sic!) putting the idea of granting each individual an unconditional guaranteed income at the frontlines of policy proposals to combat poverty, social exclusion and economic inequality. A basic income is...

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Viewpoint: An Unconditional Citizen’s Income

In these straitened times, the idea of a basic income, granted unconditionally to every citizen, from cradle to grave, feels utopian. How on earth could it be paid for, we wonder. Wouldn't everyone just stop working? Where would we be then? I first came across it, in...

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US Budget under BIG

Introduction. This budget assumes public finance all levels combined, and no change in overall tax income, which is currently 4131 billion $. Today, no more than 8% of the population is required to produce all agricultural products, industrial products and buildings...

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Unconditional Basic Income: Obstacles and Strategies

Have you ever thought of a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) for absolutely everyone? The 14th USBIG Congress held in conjunction with Canada BIG was just held in Manhattan, and a friend with frequent flyer miles got me there. Presenters from across the globe shared...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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