Thomas Cool, “The pure evil of a Basic Income.”

SUMMARY: This article argues that Basic Income proponents claim to advance the cause for the disadvantaged, but in fact they block strategies that would really help the one billion most disadvantaged people on the planet, concluding, “Do we see pure evil here or not?” Thomas Cool is an econometrician and teacher in mathematics in Scheveningen, Holland.

Thomas Cool, “The pure evil of a Basic Income.Boycott Holland, April 20, 2014.

Boycott Holland

Boycott Holland

David Jenkins, “Citizen Income: Potential Ways Forward.”

SUMMARY: This article reports about a “People’s Parliament” debate on basic income, which took place in London on March 4th. The event, chaired by Labour MP John McDonnell, is part of a wider series of events that form part of a People’s Parliament designed to reconnect citizens with the political process. The speakers were Malcolm Torry, author of Money for Everyone; Natalie Bennett, leader of the UK Green Party; and Guy Standing, author of The Precariat and long-time champion of basic income.

David Jenkins, “Citizen Income: Potential Ways Forward.Basic Income UK. March 6, 2014.

Tanja Milevska, “Van Parijs: An unconditional basic income in Europe will help end the crisis [Interview].”

SUMMARY: Philippe Van Parijs is a Belgian philosopher and professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). He talked to EurActiv’s Tanja Milevska. In this interview given after the conference on the “Unconditional Basic Income” (UBI) organised in the European Economic and Social Committee, Van Parijs argued that the EU should put in place such a basic income for all of its citizens, to help it escape the crisis, and to show that it is a community that “cares” for all its members.

Tanja Milevska, “Van Parijs: An unconditional basic income in Europe will help end the crisis [Interview].EurActiv, 11/04/2014.

”]Van Parijs at a promotion of the unconditional basic income initiative [Flickr]