Marc Roux, “The Labor Transition: Shall we prepare for an “end of work”?”

Marc Roux

Marc Roux

SUMMARY: This article asks, in a time of emerging technologies, while artificial intelligence and adaptability of robots is getting better, a new problem may come up: will machines monopolize all active positions in our society? Under the name “universal income,” it considers basic income as one possible solution. This article was written in French and translated into English by Cyril Gazengel.

Marc Roux, “The Labor Transition: Shall we prepare for an “end of work”?Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Mar 14, 2014

Christopher Blattman and Paul Niehaus, “Show Them the Money: Why Giving Cash Helps Alleviate Poverty.”

SUMMARY: This article does not directly mention basic income, but the arguments within it for moving in that direction are clear. The authors argue, “Cash grants to the poor are as good as many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty. … Fears that poor people waste cash are simply not borne out by the available data.” They argue that traditional forms of assistance waste a lot of money that direct cash grants do not.

Christopher Blattman and Paul Niehaus, “Show Them the Money: Why Giving Cash Helps Alleviate Poverty. Foreign Affairs, May/June 2014 Issue.