Anne Ryan, “Cultivating sustainable and ethical prosperity with basic income”


“This paper examines the role of basic income in constructing a dynamic, diverse and democratic social economy. ‘Basic income’ or BI is shorthand for a regular, sufficient and unconditional income, administered by the state and issued to every member of society. BI replaces social welfare payments, child benefit and the state pension as we currently know them. It also extends to all those who currently receive no income from the state. Ideally, a BI would be sufficient for each person to have a frugal but decent lifestyle without supplementary income from paid work.i

Basic income is a measure that could be implemented during the current crisis in Ireland. It is a step that is possible within the tax and money regime that prevails at the moment, even in the EU-ECB-IMF troika programme. By itself, it will not achieve all that we need, but it has a crucial role to play in the transition to an economy and society based on the well being of all and the sharing of resources for the prosperity of all.

The paper begins by calling for ecological and economic literacy, so that the concept of basic income can be understood in a wider framework of knowledge about:

  • managing the resources of the world (the commons) for the benefit of all members of society
  • basic securities as a pre-requisite for sustainability and resilience
  • work in its broadest sense, as any engagement with the world – paid or unpaid — designed to change something or to add value to society or economy
  • the wealth inherent in sufficiency.

The paper then examines the immediate benefits of basic income and the longer-term possibilities for all kinds of work and workers. It also examines how basic income can support pioneers and seed projects that are already working towards a transformed economic and social regime characterised by greater equality, economic resilience and social solidarity.

The paper treats basic income as an essential and do-able step in such a transformation. As a stand-alone measure it would have beneficial effects. But it would have maximum effects if accompanied by democratic reform in tax and money systems.”

Anne Ryan, “Cultivating sustainable and ethical prosperity with basic income”, Feasta, 18 December 2012.

Gaura Rader, “Imagine a World Without Poverty”

[Josh Martin]

Rader calls upon the reader’s imagination in his introduction, to imagine a world where children are not forced into work, where there is no poverty.  He believes this world is attainable if a basic income is established, and he calls the reader to action in supporting such a policy.

Gaura Rader, “Imagine a World Without Poverty”, The Socratic Diablogs, 6 July 2014.

Gaura Rader (Source: The Socratic Diablogs)

Gaura Rader (Source: The Socratic Diablogs)

Scott Santens, “解決本世紀經濟問題的根本方法:每人每月發三萬台幣?[Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?]”

Scott Santens’ article, “Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?” originally published on Medium has now been translated into Chinese and posted onto BuzzOrange – a news and media aggregation site akin to a Taiwanese BuzzFeed or The Huffington Post – by site contributor, “Ann”.

The Chinese language version can be read here.

Scott Santens, “解決本世紀經濟問題的根本方法:每人每月發三萬台幣?[Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?]BuzzOrange, 25 June 2014.

Nanna Kildal, "Hvorfor snakker vi ikke om borgerlønn? [Why dont we talk about Citizen Wage?]."

Nanna Kildal by Leif Skaar via NRK Ytring

Nanna Kildal by Leif Skaar via NRK Ytring

SUMMARY: This article argues for a citizens’ wages to all income without any obligation, saying such a scheme would go a long way in fighting poverty, and asking why are there no politicians who talk about it. The author presents the idea in general, and asks whether we can afford it, writing about poverty traps and about the moral issue of reciprocity. She concludes; this will be a tremendous help for those who find themselves in the labor market’s external borders, at the intersection of work and social security.

Nanna Kildal, “Hvorfor snakker vi ikke om borgerlønn? [Why dont we talk about Citizen Wage?].” NRK Ytring, 12 July 14.

Katarzyna Gajewska, “Technological Unemployment but Still a Lot of Work: Towards Prosumerist Services of General Interest”

Abstract: “This article explores the impact of both technological unemployment and a basic income on the provision of services of general interest. A basic income may promote the restructuring of production into postcapitalist forms and projects involving peer production. This change, as well as technological unemployment, will result in lower state and market capacities to provide services. Instead, people will create various forms of self-organization to meet their needs. The paper presents examples of such models. Some ideas about the new forms of inequalities in this system will be presented to inspire a further study of this scenario.”

Katarzyna Gajewska, “Technological Unemployment but Still a Lot of Work: Towards Prosumerist Services of General Interest”, Journal of Evolution and Technology, 24(1), February 2014, 104-112.