Old Sauk River, “Where Do We Go From Here”

[Josh Martin]

In this blog post, the author gathers multiple videos of people from Martin Luther King Jr. to Desmond Tutu discussing and supporting a universal basic income.  The author also includes recent political support on the basic income in countries like Iceland and Switzerland.  Overall, the author helps outline the current landscape for the universal basic income.

Old Sauk River, “Where Do We Go From Here”, Sauk River Review, 16 October 2014.

(Source: Sauk River Review)

(Source: Sauk River Review)

Charlie Hallam, "Why a citizen’s income is essential for real democracy"

[Craig Axford]

In this post the author shares his fantasies about some of the many political activities he might find the time and energy for if only he had a little more of the kind of economic security that would come with a basic income guarantee.

Charlie Hallam, “Why a citizen’s income is essential for a real democracy”, fearlessknits, October 12, 2014

Source: Study Magazine - November 23rd, 2010

Kristina Salas, “After Extreme Weather, Living Income Stands”

Natural disaster

Natural disaster

The author analyzes the benefits of the support of a Living Income Guarantee in unexpected conditions, such as extreme weather events. The Living Income Guaranteed would be a partial Basic Income in that it is means-tested and is intended to be provided to all below a certain level of income.

Kristina Salas, “After Extreme Weather, Living Income Stands”, Living Income Guaranteed, 2014 September 26